THIRTY-THREE- the honeymoon ✔️

Start from the beginning

The next morning they woke up, Garrett pack up a bag with the notebook from last night. He then added a few pencils. He threw in a few shirts and shorts. Then joined his brother and mate. "Ok I got everything we talked about. Anything else we need to add."

T says, "Jarrett's cut up the meat and was just getting ready to put it in the trough outback. I was telling him to spread Peanutbutter on mine because that sounds good. Also pack several jars of peanut butter in the bag."

Garrett looks at his brother and says, "guess this is one of those weird cravings. Raw meat and peanut butter.  He walks to the pantry and says, "we only got 1 unopened jar. I will pack it and we can ask the doctor to bring more peanut butter with his daily visits."

T starts prancing and flipping around. She starts singing the peanut butter song but where most says jelly she was saying meat. We laughed at her antics. Then we watched her eat. We made sure she was full before we ate ours and we both decided peanut butter and raw meat was disgusting but ate it anyways because when we made a face at it we saw her tear up. We both remember how mom was hormonal and teared up easily. 

We locked up the alpha house and the ran to the pack house. We made notes of some changes needed done for the training room. Like the Pepto Bismal wall  colors were a big NO. Then there were only 5 men and 5 she-wolf showers.  That needs expanded. The safe room needed to be expanded. We had already decided to offer Herbert and Edith the head Garner and Chef spots. So added a note for them to be sent here to order what ever else they felt was needed. Plus they would be given a suite in the top floor with other leaders.

"We decided that we wanted the main floor colors to be gold, teal, brown with maroon thrown in." Jarrett said, "we have a rug that we had sent to be restored before the fire. It was given to my grandparents from their parents. We would like it placed in the living room and build the colors from there." They show the 'T' the picture of the rug.

Once we decided that we went to the pool and was splashing and having a good time when a few warriors, Dr Sebastian and Dr Margie showed up with Dee, Lee, Jo, Rose and Monica.  We got out of the pool and the girls jumped in. Derrick links a warrior, "have fun in the pool while watching the girls. We are going to pack clinic for the doctors to look us over." Then we walked toward the clinic. Darrick went into the locker room and grabbed the bag and transformed. He put on shorts. Then headed to the clinic. "Doc want to ask you. Our pack has only medics in it. Right now this area has basics. We would like your input into turning this into a state of the art clinic with a place for about 20 beds. Then advertise for a doctor. We know you guys have plans to make a training facility. Was wondering if you could help advise us on this set up. Plus train any of our pack medic  they wish to become either doctor or nurses.  Then also train our 2 midwives on any thing they would need to know. I can tell you they will want to be there for the pups whelps."

"They linked back and forth and at the same time stated, " we would love to." Then Sebastian said, "This could be our practice run before we go big and build our own place."

"Your pack is small. Let me take you up to the 6th floor. We will offer that floor for your pack to use. Plus they have use for the rest of our facilities." 

Garrett adds, "We can tell you that there are plans as you might of heard to build a school but they haven't been built yet.  Our thoughts were to turn the second floor into a school. We would use the apartments as classrooms until the regular schools are made. Your pups and teachers could be part of that."

"That is generous of you to offer."

"Why don't you take our notes, read about our plans. Add notes for the clinic. Then we review those notes tomorrow when you come to examine us again. If we agree we have you share with the Wilson brothers."

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