CHAPTER SEVENTEEN- their arrivals✔️

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On March 19 we are at the hospital with Lucinda in labor. She been in labor for almost 20 hours. The clock strikes midnight and at 12:00 Dagian Ezra Woods is born.  He is 22 inches long and weighs 8 pounds 12 ounces.  Issac walks out of the delivery room to introduce his son when he hears, "crap, my water just broke."

Nurse Mia sweeps me out of the waiting room and into the delivery room. She helps we out of my wet clothes and into a hospital gown. She lays me down and says, "I guess little Farra did want to prove your dad's dream true." Then exactly twelve hours later I give birth to Bryant Timberwood. He was 21-1/2 inches long. He weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces

Nurse Mia came into the room and said, "Sophia just gave birth to a little boy and his name is Felex Woods. He is 20 inches long. He weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces." She left the room when Doctor Tony called out Nurse Mia please come here stat. We got another coming now." I looks at Doctor Apollo and say, "you guys are hopping today. Can you do the honor of announcing Bryant. Here is my phone please get it on video when they hear it is a boy and not a girl." Apollo takes the baby in his arms and leaves the room.

About 10 minutes later Nurse Mia walks in carrying a baby wrapped up in a pink blanket. "Sophia wanted me to introduce you to your new niece, Farra Meredith Woods. She is 17 inches long and 5 pounds 12 ounces. I cannot believe all them had 12 ounces in their birth weight.

I looked at her confused like, "I thought you said she had a boy."

Nurse Mia smiled and said, "She did!"

Then I grin back, "another set of twins."  I then laugh.

Nurse Mia said, "let me take her to the waiting room. When I was in there earlier the grandparents were all claiming whom the babies looked like. Oh and I had one of our volunteers video taping the whole thing, so the three moms can see it later. In about an hour we will move all three of you to the same room."

One week later is new moms are watching the video that nurse Mia dropped of earlier.

Lucinda is yelling, "when you got something the size of a watermelon coming out your penis then you can (beep) tell me calm down sweetie."

"I can feel your pain and wanted to just calm you down, so we can enjoy this moment."

"Do I look like I am enjoying this (beep) (beep-beep) (beep) pain?

"But sweetheart"

"Don't touch me. I just want my baby."

Doctor Tony, "sit up and bare down in 3, 2, 1, PUSH. We got a head." Issac looks up at the mirror and sees blood and a baby coming out. His eyes roll back and down he goes.

"Reverse that again Meri." She giggles, "I cannot believe my mate passed out seeing his son born."

"It is funny that my brothers both did that. They are suppose to be big bad alphas." She reverses it and watches his eyes rolling back two more times. "Now let's go forewords day hope I see Jacob too."

"Now we know why Nurse Mia gave you this one and said it is the full one that the alphas did not take."

"This is why I asked Conrad if he could make me a temporary member of his pack, so Issac could not order me to destroy it in his alpha tone. I explain to mom why before I did it. Dad overheard and laughed. They back me up."

Nurse Mia comes walking into the waiting room and Issac is right behind her carrying a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. Issac says, "Let me introduce the next Alpha of...."

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