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The medics rushed Councilwoman Marcia and Elder Brendon into the medical room at Antonio's house. Apollo started working on Brandon. "Shit, his heart was nicked. We are going to have to do surgery to try get these bleeders stopped before he bleeds to death."

One of the doctor's calls out, "switch places, I am in my third year of residency in the heart specialist at John Hopkins." He switches places with Dr Apollo.

He then ask, "anyone knows his history his health history?"

One of the medics run out, "I will get Elder Barrett."

Elder Barrett walks in and says, "you want his health history. He is one of those wolves who rarely was sick. Even though he officially retired he has still been teaching combat training to the elders plus self defense to the ones who were too young to do regular training. I linked with mom and she said he is allergic to sulfa drugs. He found that out when attack a few years back and needed antibiotics from an infection that set in.

"Get an IV into him and put .5cc of wolfsbane and .25cc silver in it."

Barrett growls, "you trying to kill him with that combo."

"No, it will slow down the blood flow, but not strong enough dose to kill him. Use the same in her to the council woman but with her being smaller cut her dose by 1/4 and it will slow down the blood flow while trying to control the bleeding."  He then concentrates on his surgery.

Garrett and Jarrett take Meri into a room to talk while their grandfather is undergoing surgery.

Garrett says, "Meri we do care for you. We know you care for us. Your starting to show your Luna glow. If you want to talk about what happened..."

Meri interrupts, "at this time I don't want to talk about what happened." She would not look them in the eyes. "When the council meets to confirm what councilwoman Marcia declared I will then give a full account."

Jarrett replies, "Meri do you know what happened the council has declared that tomorrow will be the hearing. Councilman Bingham has already declared himself as acting Council Leader since Councilwoman Marcia is in surgery. If found guilty the sentence will be carried out immediately.

Garrett adds, "Then the next day we will all meet at Memorial Lake. The girls were made to bring it back. We will do the memorial to those who lost their lives. Family and friends are preparing their bodies now. We loss 23 wolves today. We have 5 here fighting for their lives including grandfather.

Jarrett adds, "The Wilson brothers and a few other carpenters from other packs are right now building a memorial ship to hold them all."

Garrett says, "but why we wanted to talk to you is to apologize to you."

Meri exclaims, "Apologize for what?"

Jarrett replies, "When we met you at the tree hideout and realized you were in heat. We should of ran back outside and stood guard. We are alphas and a have been trained to do just that, but when it was you we had no control." Garrett replied.

Jarrett adds, "We had never felt such a pull before. Not even with our other mates.  I all the sudden craved control and my wolf took it. We took advantage of you. We need to apologize and hope you forgive us. Hope you don't compare us to them."

"We very much care for you.  We feel we let you down by taking you before you were our official mate. When we felt the second pull we left as instructed and our biggest regret was leaving. If we had stayed..."

"You both would be dead. None of us acted like ourselves. I am not ashamed of what happened between us.  It was you I would think of and want when trying to forget who was raping me." Then Meri's voice dropped into a whisper, "Question will be will you want me after you hear what happened." Then a lone tear trailed down her face.

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