CHAPTER SIX- pampering and celebration ✔️

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"Give me Serena and Selena. You sit down and eat while I feed them."

"It is more important you get nutrition too." Brett said.

"I ate already when I was preparing the food." Then I sat down in the rocking chair we had moved by the table and fed the girls while they ate. They still leaned over and kept giving me bites off their plates.

As we all finished eating we heard a knock on the door. Brett got up to go answer the door. It was Meri's mom, Luna Donna Mae and Meri's sisters. He shut the door and had them go into the great room and Bryan and Meri walked in there with the babies.  Then another knock on the door. He turned around and walked back to the door and it was his mom, Emily with all his sisters and sister-in-law.

"What is going on? Why are you all here this early. It is only 7:30am"

"We are having a girl spa day and going to help Meri get her and the girls ready. Your dad and brothers are going to meet you at the Alpha's house for a guy's day. They have planned a day of fishing and picnic at the lake. Just to relax and have fun before the ceremony tonight too.

Then there was another knock. Emily said, "I will get it. You go grab your brother and go." She opens the door and it is Luna Angelini.  "Hello, I am so glad you could come and join us." She turns around and sees Brett still standing there with his mouth opened. "You're still here? I told you grab your brother and get to the Alpha's house. They will be waiting for you."

She  grabs Luna's arm and guides her into the great room where everyone is standing around talking.

Brett and Bryan give their mate and babies a kiss. "Guess we will see you later." As they are walking to the door there is another knock.

They answer the door, "hello aunt Charmain and Claire. They are all in the great room."

As we close the door we hear Claire announce, "now that I am here we can get this party started."

We look out and see a bus and there are 10 warriors standing around it. They nod as we walk by and try not to laugh when Brett says, "we are sorry. We don't know what Claire has planned but all those girls and women." We head toward the alpha's house.

Back inside the house. Luna Donna says, "before we leave since she did not know we were coming Meri needs to go shower. All you girls go clean up the kitchen and dining room. Luna, Claire, Charmaine, Emily and I will go get the babies ready and pack their diaper bags. We will meet in the bus in 30 minutes."

I look at her and say, "mom what bus?"

"The one parked out front that your father arranged for us. Now go get ready. It is warm outside so just wear a casual sundress and sandals."

In 40 minutes we were all on the bus. Claire stands up and says, "let us make sure we all are here. Everyone stand up and when I say your name sit down." Everyone stood up. "Meri, Serena, Selena, Luna Donna, Luna Angelini, Beta Emily, Char, Sophia, Anabelle, Isabelle, Tabitha, and myself Claire. Plus we have the bus driver and 10 warriors." She then hands the list to one of the warrior. "Since your suppose to watch us today you can be in charge of the list."

"Mom, what about Missy and Sunny?" She then sits down and the bus takes off and stops in front of the pack house where Missy and Sunny are waiting.

"I though of them. I figured you want your best friend since preschool with you."

The warrior looks at the list and pencils in Missy and Sunny. Then hands the list to the bus driver and then takes a seat."

When we get to the spa Claire and one warrior go inside. She checks us all in. Then one at a time a different spa employee comes out to get each of us. The warriors watch us go inside. She brings me into a room and hands me a robe. "My name is Celeste and I will be taking care of you today. I heard you just had pups recently and are getting the new mother spa package. This package includes a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, and hair cut and style and makeup. Many times we also start off with a mud bath and steam shower before we do a massage. What we do is actually rub the mud all over your body and it will stay on you for 15 minutes once we complete the rub. Then you step into a steam shower and it rinses the mud away.  After that you lay down for a one hour massage. When you need to they will bring your pups in and you can feed them."

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