CHAPTER TWENTY Fighting the Fire ✔️

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AN 📝 if something seems off let me know. I had surgery and am recovering in bed. My meds is making me a little loopy. But I am to tired to do activity and to bored to lay here doing nothing. (I decided to write August 27, 2020. ) Point it out if something seems really off and I will go back and work to edit it. My daughter told me it was funny when the doctor was telling me things to do and not to do. He said no bending or twisting. I asked him can I shout? He question what I meant and I started singing the twist. He then said a few more things. Those words had a song pop into my head so would start singing that. He laughed and said she is still out of it. He then left the recovery room and went to talk to my husband, Kevin. The next day the nurse from surgical ward called to check up on me. She said I was very entertaining. She said I did very good at coming up with songs.

(A few hundred miles away.)

There were hundreds of wolves fighting the forest fire. Garrett looked at his brother, "I am not sure where all these wolves came from. I have seen many stranger's faces fighting next to me."

"Yes, I noticed that too. There is one thing I also noticed, no one from Riverbend Lily pack has been seen here fighting the fire. We did get this fire under control with all their help of other packs."

We need to go check on the Riverbend Lily pack. "We transform into Detrick and Darrick to run that way. A few of our wolves join us. Plus a couple councilmen and other packs join us. We get there and discover the pack has been killed. We found dead infant pups through adults.

One of the warriors called over. "Alphas." He got Jarrett, Garrett, and three more alphas to come over. "Look here," he points to a skull. "The fire did not destroy this but this wolf was shot."

Then another warrior called out, "Alphas." They all turned and walked to the second warrior, " look here. There are large blister charring which indicates that the fire evolved rapidly and produced high temperatures, signs that a liquid accelerant may have been used. These blisters are irregularly-shaped often results from a flammable liquid being poured on floor surfaces. We need to get everyone away from the scene and secure it. I would call in Maxwell Trail from Silver Beam Pack. I saw him at the base camp helping fight the fire. He was my instructor for fire fighting and he helped capture the humans responsible for the Springston Fire when that fire investigation was a cold case."

They looked around and saw a council members already linking Maxwell Trail's Alpha since they knew about who his Alpha was.

Meri then linked Maxwell, "Hey Max, your needed at the Riverbend Pack. The council said they got a forensic group in route and they pulled everyone back. They are right now talking to your alpha to get the clearance for you to come. The council also said that two of the Alphas are acting suspicious.  Bring  your own guards- get Conrad to come as the guards. Be careful."

The councilman  spoke up to everyone., "Everyone is to check in with Councilwoman Marcia Wilson. Then you are to leave this pack land.  You are all to go to the cavern and wait inside there. We as a council command no talking or linking between anyone. We are issuing a total gag order until each of you are checked out. This is now being treated as a pack murder investigation. You will stay at the cavern until Maxwell gets here and gets to investigate. His alpha is gonna send him here."

Alpha Stewart says in a very annoyed voice, "why are we being treated like we are guilty."

The councilman replies, "it is because almost 60% of arsonist returns to the scene. When wolves kill they have about 84% who will try to get into the investigation and destroy any evidence left behind. We are isolating you until your questioned. Garrett and Jarrett are in charge since they were with us when it appears this pack were killed. They got into line and checked in with councilman Wilson. They walked  into the tent and was sprayed with a mist. They left the tent and were told to climb into the trailor. They wanted to make sure all were accounted and would be driven to the cavern. They did not want the wolves to realize they were drugged.

Jarrett and Garett's puts troops in charge of the detainees that they knew were with them at the time the fire was started. They start to head toward the cavern. They wanted to run it. They run up to the river and as soon as their paws touched the river three sets of pups emerged from below the water. It was a set of identical twin boys who looked about 3. Then a set of identical twin girls who looked about 3 also. Plus a set of identical twin girls who were 8. The older girls said, "You finally came to us." She looked passed Jarrett and sent water toward Alpha Pierre and Alpha James. "Why are you with them?" She yells at the younger ones "hide," but Jarrett and Garrett yell, "freeze." The water freezes around the little ones. They look shocked. Then the older pups shoots ice cycles toward James and yell, "you already killed our parents. I won't let you kill my cousins." His tries to shift to his wolf. He cannot shift. His eyes turn red. He shifts into a vampire. Jarrett and Garrett jump in front of the pups. "Your a hybrid?"

"Some on the council knew my pack use to be called Adder pack back in the old country. Then my grandma fell in love with a black blood. She was turned. Many knew my pack got wiped out when my grandmother was away on her honeymoon. She became an Alpha. When she set up a pack here she named it Black Adder and no one realized the reason for the change.

It was fire scenes that twin elementals would cause problems with my pack, so we have been hitting packs with twins in them. Who do you think guided the kills on the beta? Was told that Timberwood beta would be my downfall if not destroy before their elemental showed up.

Though I did not realize until today there were Alpha elemental twins. You can consider yourself warned. I am going to be coming for you and those brats. War is coming. Then him and alpha Pierre disappeared.

Just then Conrad and Maxwell showed up. All the wolves in the trailer were then moved away from the scene. Then Jarrett and Garrett helped get the twins out of the ice.

The council said, "we will have to decide what to do with these pups."

Conrad replies. "they can come back with me. My mate and I will raise them along with my twin brother."

Jarrett and Garrett said, "no they are part of us now. When we entered the water they came out of hiding. They somehow triggered an elemental inside us."

"We have a home and your pack has lost all. We can provide safety. Our mates are twins from the pack that lost the betas. Why not move your pack to our mates brother? They have offered sanctuary to misplaced wolves."

"We will keep that in mind. Would like to try to stay with allies close by. Plus see what we can salvage from our homes. These pups will stay with us. If you have a few Lycan troops who can stay and help protect us while we try to salvage belongings of theirs we will not say no to that."

They then look at the young pups. "You are now ours. We are declaring you our foster pups. We are going to transform and take you back to where our pack is currently." Then they look at Conrad and says, "if anything is salvageable please bring it to us. We want them to have some memories if possible."

"Do you young pups promise to follow me and my pack?"

"We do."

"We promise to protect and give you sanctuary until you're old enough to take over your pack." He then turns toward Alpha Conrad. "When Beta Maxwell is done gathering evidence I will send some Lycan troops to you with anything we find."


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