Chapter Thirty-two: votings ✔️

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While the trial was going on Doctor Tony, Doctor Apollo, Doctor Sebastian and Doctor Margie were working to save the lives of Alpha Garrett and Jarrett. Plus check on Meri.

Sebastian yells, "give me that syringe in Alpha Garrett's neck. I am going to run it through toxin analysis so we know what we are dealing with. But get the IV in him and squeeze the bag. Get as much fluids in him as you can. Get a catheter into him ASAP. This toxin caused him to clasped within seconds." He then runs out of the room to the lab.

Margie says, "the Ultrasound is showing these pups are growing faster than I can imagine. This ultrasound makes them look about 3-5 weeks along depending on the pups. Plus I am only seeing 9 pup heads today, but am counting 14 spines."

Tony says, "give her some smelling salt. Make her wake up. Then give her some energy drink I have in my refrigerator."

"Those drinks can make the pups heart rate speed up."

"Just do it. I need her to give them both the mate bite. The mate endorphins should help fight the will to live while we figure out what they poisoned him with. He is dying and I don't know if she can handle loosing another mate. Plus his twin is acting just like him without even having that poison. I will be damned if I loose them without trying everything I can think of."

"But her biting him might put the poison in her?"

"He is coding."

"Hello Garrett."

He looks around and he is sitting under a tree. He sees the Moon Goddess and two identical wolves sitting behind her. "What is going on? Am I dead?"
He watches the wolves go behind the tree and emerge. "Bryan? Brett? Am I dead?"

"You are in the place between life and death. It depends on how hard you fight if you can go back. It was not your time to go, but someone interfered which lead you here.  What you were given was not an earthly mix."

"Why do that to me? Why attack me."

Brett replies, "It is because of our mate.  A lone she-wolf  was destined to meet twin mates and these mates would end up with a powerful child.  A child who would be able to bring peace to all supernatural beings or war. Every time a loan wolf mates with identical twins these attacks have happened."

Bryan added, "it has been noticed that our mate attracts twins. She has twin siblings, twin protectors (Conrad and Conway), two sets of twin mates, twin foster pups and twin pups of her own. Now she is pregnant with multiple identical pups which were not conceived naturally. This group is afraid of her, but they go after her mates."

Brett said, "Until the laws were changed about 200 years ago all same sex twin youngest pups were killed under a law called ying yang. Which is one of the laws that Bingham and Antonio wanted reinstated. They planned to reinstate that law after giving birth to many sets of twins brought in unnaturally. The pills they give woman were releasing 2-3 eggs each. Then they split into identical twins."

Bryan says, "We do know the pup has not been born yet. We know Riverbend was attacked because of all their identical pups.

Bryan adds, "They are looking for something specific in these pups and we don't know what."

Brett says, "we fear not knowing what they seek."

Bryan says, "Though this is not known everyone whom Antonio had rape our mate use to be a twin, but the youngest twins were killed because their pack followed the old ways. They applied the ying yang law which the council declared illegal 200 years ago."

Brett replies, "we do not know why you guys are not getting the special mating pull, but we can tell you even though we dislike seeing it we are glad our mate found such worthy mates. We can tell you and her love each other."

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