Captured (Chapter 58)

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Amanda's POV

After a tough battle, we're coming home. I came to the palace a while ago to get healed but I haven't payed attention to anything else but the war. Coming to Titus finally being free... I can't wait to be home again. As I pass through the portal, I closed my eyes preparing myself for what I was about to see. As I opened them, my eyes lit brightly like they never did before. The sky looked like a painting that seems so unreal. The palace so beautiful like its not been around for so many years. I smelled the air so fresh as it delicately touched my skin. That's when I realized there's no place like home. As I took everything in, someone gently held my hand.

"Amanda, let's go inside the palace. A lot of people have missed you."
"Oh Sarah, thank for taking me back. After betraying you before you still treat me as your friend."
"You were always my friend Amanda. I should apologize too... I should have realized your feelings before I'm-"
"There's no need to be sorry. It wasn't entirely your fault. Let's put that behind us and start over again."
"You're right. Now come on, let's go in."

The palace doors opened and the castle was a lot more brilliant inside. I met a lot of people I knew who helped me in the past. Even after all this time, they still treat me so kindly.

"Amanda, your room's down this hall. Go change into something comfortable and come in the throne room once you're done."
"Alright. I'll see you later."

I came in my room and quickly changed. I changed into a simple red dress with pearl beads as its design. I put on golden dangling earrings and parted my hair to the side. As for my shoes, I wore silver heels with glittered pattern. Once I was done dressing up, I went to the throne room as I was told.

"I'm done changing. Why did you call me?"
"Your just in time. Caster's been put into custody and I thought you might want to see him. I also need someone to think of his punishment."
"I'll go. I need to get some things off my chest."
"Since you agree, the carriage is waiting for you outside. Go on ahead."
"Aren't you coming too?"
"I have to stay and take charge so I can't come with you. My daughter will though."
"No, Crystal."

I went out and entered the carriage. Like what Sarah said, Crystal was coming too.

"Paying a visit to him as well?"
"I just wanted to see how much he's suffering right now. How about you, Queen Amanda?"
"I could say for the same reason... Also, there's no need to address me as queen, Crystal. I no longer am. Miss Amanda's fine."
"I'll call you Miss Amanda from now on then."

After an hour or so, we arrived at Titus' most secured prison for criminals, Metrigon dungeon hall. As we went inside, 2 guards showed up and escorted us to the interrogation room. There we saw Caster, sitting on the chair with a blindfold on his eyes. His feet were tied with chains and his hands were cuffed with metal attached to the table. We entered the room and sat on the 2 empty seats.

"Who's there?"
"Don't worry Caster. Its just your beloved 'minions'. We've come to pay a visit."
"Nice seeing you again, Caster."
"You traitors! Betraying me when my plan was almost successful... You're nothing but failures!"

He shouted wanting to stand up but he couldn't due to the chains wrapped around his feet.

"There's no use trying to break free. You won't be able to do anything to us anyway."
"Don't be so confident in yourselves! Without me both of you are nothing! Crystal, I was the one that harnessed your powers and helped you control it. After all that I've done, you just left me in the dust?!"
"I never asked for your help! If the meaning of help to you is torture then yes, that's what you gave me! The moments I've spent with you are nothing but bad memories. Don't think I'll ever forgive you for what you did."
"Ungrateful brat! Then what about you Amanda, huh? I noticed your feelings for me and I let you even come with me! I gave you a good life. How could you just- *pak*"

I slapped him in the face while tears rolled down my eyes. The past I've wanted to forget resurfaced and the pain I've felt returned.

"Shut up! You have no right to speak about it. I was a fool to have liked you from the start! I abandoned everything I had just to be with someone who used me as a tool. You disgust me!"


We were only 16 when Sarah came to Magitide for a monthly visit. Her and I were friends so we usually hang out and talk. Being the next heir to rule our kingdoms, we spent most of our time together to make up for the time we won't meet in the future. That day, she wasn't alone. She brought someone with her. She brought someone different but nonetheless special to her. A human. But unexpectedly, he became special to me too.

"Amanda, meet Caster. He's my friend from Earth."
"Nice to meet you, Your Highness."
"Nice to meet you too."

The first time I saw him, my heart started pounding like crazy. He had an aura that captured me. From that moment I realized I liked him.

The next few visits, Sarah brought Caster with her too. I didn't mind at all since I liked him. But then one day, Sarah came to me with unexpected news.

"Amanda! Amanda!"
"What is it? Your so excited."
"My fiancé's been decided and they agreed that it would be Caster! He's going to be my husband!"

When I heard her, my heart sank and felt it shatter into pieces. He was the first person I loved... And now, I can't love him anymore.

"Amanda? Are you okay?"
"O-oh of course I'm fine. C-congratulations!"
"Thank you, best friend!"

As the days go by, Sarah couldn't come anymore due to her planning for the wedding. I stayed in my palace still can't get over by her news.

The wedding day came a few months later and even when I got invited, I didn't choose to attend. Seeing the person I like looking at somebody else with love in his eyes... I might stay heartbroken forever.

Once I turned 21, I had my coronation and ruled the Kingdom of Magitide. My schedule was fully booked and I barely had any sleep at all. No matter how busy I was, one thought in my mind can't seem to be forgottten. I still liked Caster. The more I want to forget him, the more I wished for him to be by my side. To be the king that'll help me rule my kingdom.

One day, I received a letter coming from Infinite Ring. I thought it was from Sarah so I opened it quickly. Surprisingly, it wasn't her that sent it. It was Caster. It read:

"Dear Amanda,
Its been so long since we last met but I couldn't seem to forget you. The times that we spent together kept lingering in my mind. I realized that you are the one I truly love. I have explained it to Sarah and she agreed for a divorce. If it's not too late, will you accept me? If you agree come to xxx-xxxx tonight.

                                  Your Suitor,Caster."

​I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He actually like me?! He's been feeling the same about me... But if I go with him... Will it mean I'll leave everything behind? Well it doesn't matter. Love costs more than anything combined.

And that midnight, I sneaked out of the palace and met with him.

*flashback ends*

"I was so blinded by my love for you to notice that your words were just lies. Caster, even once, a minute or just a second, did you ever like me back..?"
"You were never in heart, Amanda. And that will never change."
"I'm glad your finally honest. Crystal, let's go."
"Yes, Miss Amanda. But how about Caster's punishment? We need to think about it."
"I have an idea. Would you let me decide it?"
"Guards, find Caster's lair and get his machine. Break in front of him into millions and millions of pieces and burn it. Never give him any food or water to let him starve. Never let any visitor visit him. Never open any window so that he won't even know if it's night or day. Never clean his cell so that dirt and dust is his one and only company. Let him be alone and reflect on what he's done. Let him die and rot in this pitiful cell."
"We'll do as you ask."

I turned to Caster and I could finally smile. I don't have to be held back by him anymore.

"I hope you'll feel the pain you put us through. Let's never meet again, Caster."

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