2 Queens (Chapter 55)

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Professor Kim's POV

We were just waiting on the palace's ballroom in Titus. The healers are doing their job, healing some of the soldiers with injuries. We already sent word to the people to never leave their houses for the day. And we already buried the fallen soldiers and compensating their families.

Suddenly the big doors burst open and the butler walked in. Aris and I quickly walked towards him, hoping if there are any news.

" Axcel just went back and is taking three dragons with him. "
" The prince of Luxenburg? "
" Yes, also Princess Zhari is here. She also needs help, although she could help herself but it would take a long while. "

We saw Zhari walked in clutching her right arm. There was a huge burn on it. A lady quickly got up and escorted Zhari to help her. While we walked towards her checking if she's ok.

" Are you alright, dear? "
" I'm fine. But they need help. My brother said something if any of you knew who Crystal is? "

We are all shocked by the name and looked at each other. But I quickly stood up.

" I know what could help. "

She nodded at me and run quickly to rummaged inside my bag and I found what I am looking for. I left the ballroom in a rush and found Prince Axcel already going in the portal. I ran and screamed his name and his head quickly turned back. He was sitting on top of one dragon and halted it. I finally reached him and held out the three devices.

" This could help more than the dragons."

He reached out for one of it and I told one of the soldiers to give one for each dragons. I told him how to get it activated. He quickly understood and left in a rush.

While I quickly went back to the ballroom and saw Zhari with a shocked expression. I looks like she already knew who Crystal is. When Aris and the butler saw me coming in they ran towards me.

" Liander is alright. But they don't know where Caster took Sarah. "
" How do we find her? "
" Caster already invented a device to take a Titunite's powers. If my guess is right he already took Sarah's. All we need to do if track where the device is and I'm sure Sarah is with it. "
" Well, how do we do that. "
" We have to find the correct algorithm and hack Earth's satellite. It would send a signal on the whole planet and it will tell us where that device is. "
" Get working then. While you're both on it, I'll check on the queen. "

We both nodded our heads and went to the nearest table in the ballroom. I took the laptop out of my bag and started typing away. I already hacked the satellite and it showed me a map and a blinking red dot.

" I got it. "

Aris looked at the computer and frowned.

" It's near Amaya's house. We need to hurry. "

I transferred the data on my phone and asked a robot to make a portal for us. When we went in we are right in front of Amaya's house and followed the red dot. It led us to an abandoned house at the back of a basketball court.

Without hesitation we went in. Aris is in front of me, scanning the room for any harm and trying to protect me. We walked with a slow pace but when we reached a corner a man pointed his gun at me. I dropped my phone and putted my hands in the air. Before he could click the trigger Aris already shot him in the head.

The man fell down and I grabbed my phone. We walked slowly again until we reach a room full of computers. There was a man sitting in front of one and he doesn't feel our presence at all. We saw him looking at a CCTV camera. I looked at Aris and nodded at each other knowing what to do. I took out my knife and quickly put it against the man's throat. He's shock and couldn't grasp the situation. I whispered in his ear and said...

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