Young Love (Chapter 14)

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Zhari's POV

I don't know what's worse, hanging out with Louis or hanging out with Axcel.

Axcel : "So, what class are you from?"
Zhari : " The same class your brother is in. "
Axcel : " And what's your name again? "
Zhari : " Zhari, Zhari Milton. "
Axcel : " Well, what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. "
Zhari : " That don't work on me. "
Axcel : " Come on. Don't be like that. I'm a professional model. "
Zhari : " Is that supposed to impress me? "
Axcel : " Yeah. Most girls do. "
Zhari : " Well, I'm not one of them. "
Axcel : " Why are you so cold? "
Zhari : " Why are such a pushover? "
Axcel : " Playing hard to get, huh? "
Zhari : " Got a problem? "
Axcel : " Ok, ok. At least, tell me what you like in a boy. "
Zhari : " It's none of your business. "

I looked away from his gaze and when I look back I found him staring at me. I am dumbfounded when I looked at his face up close. His blue eyes they're like oceans so deep. I'm afraid to dive in. I might never get back up again. And his hair, they look fluffy like a cloud. I want to fly and reach it. But it seems impossible. His skin is as white as milk. As soft as a pillow and as light as a feather. I saw him smiling when I stared at him. I quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed.

Axcel : " Did you find something amusing in my face? "
Zhari : " No. "
Axcel : " Don't lie. "
Zhari : " I didn't. "
Axcel : " Seriously. "

I turned away again but he quickly grabbed my chin and turned my face to him. At that moment I don't what to do and just stared at his face.

Axcel : " You don't have to be uncomfortable around me. I can be your friend. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

I don't know what to say as I was in shock.

Axcel : " And I think you're really cute. "

I go out of my senses and pushed his hand away.

Zhari : " Shut up. "
Axcel : " What? It's true. "
Zhari : " No, it's not. "
Axcel : " Why? Has no one ever said that to you. "

I stayed silent and he chuckled.

Axcel : " You can tell me. "
Zhari : " No one has ever said something like that to me. "
Axcel : " Wait, seriously? "
Zhari : " You're the first. "
Axcel : " Well, I'm honored. "

I looked at him and he looked back. And we both formed a smile on our faces.

Axcel : " You're lucky to chat with someone like me. "
Zhari : " Oh please, what's so good about you? "
Axcel : " Everything. "
Zhari : " You're the one who lies. "
Axcel : " No! "

We laughed at each other for a moment. Then I remembered Amaya, Louis and Liam. They're not back yet. The bell will ring soon. I looked around trying to spot them but I can't find them anywhere.

Axcel : " What's wrong. "
Zhari : " They're not back yet. "
Axcel : " You're right. What's taking them so long?"
Zhari : " I don't know either. "
Axcel : " I'll escort you to your class. "
Zhari : " No, you don't have to. I'll just wait here for them. "
Axcel : " I'm not letting a beautiful lady sit here alone. Let's go. "

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the cafeteria. We are walking silently in the hallway. I still feel his warm hand holding mine. Red circles spread my cheeks.

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Zhari : " Umm, you can let go now. "
Axcel : " I don't want to."
Zhari : " People are staring. Let go. "
Axcel : " I said I don't want to. "

Some girls are glaring daggers at us and I tried to hide my face to avoid those eyes.

Zhari : " Axcel. "
Axcel : " There's nothing to be embarrassed about. This is not a big deal. "

Not a big deal?! I knew it. I knew this is just a joke to him. He doesn't even considered my feelings and letting me be part of his stupid game. We stopped for a moment and looked at me.

Axcel : "So, you didn't answer my question yet. "
Zhari : " What question? "
Axcel : " Don't play dumb with me. "
Zhari : " Why do you even need to know? "
Axcel : " Please. "

I just sighed in defeat and looked at him directly in the eye.

Zhari : " What I like in a boy-"
Axcel : " Yes? "
Zhari : " I like someone who's sweet, cool and outgoing. "
Axcel : " Well, someone who has those qualities is right beside you. "

Don't fall for it, Zhari. He's playing with you, I thought to myself. I just raised my eyebrow at him.

Zhari : " I don't think so. "
Axcel : " Why is that? "
Zhari : " Love doesn't work that way. "
Axcel : " Then how does it work? "
Zhari : " It takes time. "
Axcel : " Then I will wait no matter how long it will be."

Just stop this game already. We're not a match made in heaven. We're so different. You wouldn't understand.

We began walking again and reached my class and he let go of my hand.

Axcel : " See ya. "
Zhari : " Dumbass. "

He waved at me and turned around. He walked across the noisy hallways and when he's out of sight, I missed him already. I guess he doesn't actually remembered me, after all.


Hey guys. How do you like this chapter? Cause I'm loving the Zhari and Axcel scene. And one more thing What do ya think about what Zhari said that Axcel doesn't remember her? You must be freaking out if you really read the book from the beginning.

Btw, I told ya before that I want to make another book filled with poems. Well, it's settled I will publish it tomorrow and I hope you will support that book as well.

See ya on Tuesday for the next update on this book. Love ya.

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