Fight 2.0 (Chapter 16)

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Louis's POV

OMG! I hope the picture is still there. It holds a lot of memories of me and Axcel.
I feel like I betrayed him if I lose it. I'm sorry my love!

Louis : " It's probably around here somewhere. "

I looked around the cafeteria and finally saw it on the floor.

Louis : " Ah! Here it is. I'm glad that I found you. Daddy will be happy. "

Just then I heard a low voice that sounds like Axcel's

Axcel : " I'll escort you to your class. "

Wait! I know that voice. Axcel! I missed him. I turned around hoping the next minute I'll be dancing to my Prince Charming like Cinderella.

Louis : "Axcel! What are you-"

Who is that bitch talking with my love? Zhari? A snake finally came and hissed. I already told her that I'm into Axcel and this is what she does to me? I helped her a lot since we've met and she doesn't even returned the favor? She is so done when we meet in the classroom. Just you wait, Zhari. Just you wait.

I walked into the classroom filled with rage and jealousy. She's like my ugly step sister who stole Prince Charming away from me. She's so cruel. I stormed in the classroom and glad that no one else was there. Perfect timing to make my comeback.

Ugh! It's been 5 minutes and she's still not here. I'll just storm into the cafeteria and finish the job.

I walked out of the classroom only to find Zhari and Axcel holding hands. Is she insane? Does she plan on making me jealous? Then it's working. Here she comes. Finally I could give her hell she never knew existed.

Louis : " Zhari! What do you think you're doing holding hands with my Prince Charming?!"
Zhari : " Louis! It's not like I wanted to. He did it by his own will. "
Louis : " Oh please. Don't play this game with me. I know you like him so stop making excuses. "
Zhari : " What? Like him of all people? I'm sorry, Louis. That will be impossible. He's annoying and such a flirt. "
Louis : " Don't talk to my future husband like that. He's the best man you could ask for. "
Amaya : " What's going on here? "
Louis : " Amaya! Zhari us stealing Axcel from me. Give her hell. "
Zhari : " Shut up! Don't listen to him. He just misunderstands. "
Amaya : " Could the both of you stay quiet for once!"
Liam : " Come on, guys. Let's not argue like this."
Louis : " Whatever, Liam. Tell your brother not to fall for this flirt. "
Amaya : " STOP! "


Hey! Alright I know it's a bit of a cliff hanger. And you guys might be a little bored with my book. But I'm really doing my best. I just don't feel like myself these days. Pls give more support. I'll see you on Tuesday. Love ya!

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