Chapter 22

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Early next morning, they bundled up in the car and left for Manali. Heer climbed into the back as she had had another dose of the cold medicine and she was already feeling sleepy. When she looked up, she saw Ishaan clambering into the back as well. He didn't look at her. He just sat next to her and pulled out a book. She smiled and eased back into her seat. A little while later, she even fell asleep. On Ishaan's warm, sweatshirt-clad shoulder. He just kept on reading without moving an inch.

A little while into the drive, they stopped at a popular photo stop. Heer was still asleep. Rina looked behind and said, "Ishaan, just take the phone from her hand, will you?"

Ishaan looked at her hesitantly. Rina laughed and said, "She'll feel so sad that she didn't get a picture. Just give it to me."

He relaxed a bit and lightly took the phone out of Heer's grasp and handed it to Rina. She then hopped out of the car and walked towards the point. Ishaan looked at Heer, asleep on his shoulder. There she was, no worry lines clouding her forehead. No smile but so peaceful. He eased her slowly onto her side of the seat and put a neck pillow behind her head. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it in her hand gently. He got out of his seat and outside the car. He reached Dada's window and said, "Dada, khyaal rakhna. Soyi hai woh." Dada nodded and smiled.

He walked towards where Rina was standing clicking pictures. Rina looked back and saw him approach. She looked back and asked, "Where's Heer?"

He held up a hand and said, "Don't worry, Dada's there."

She relaxed and went back to clicking pictures. He looked at the gobsmacking view and sighed. Without looking up from the screen, Rina asked, "Everything alright?"

He nodded and said, "Yeah." He then paused and looked at her with a little bit of hesitation. Rina smiled and said, "Go on."

He smiled and said, "I...I don't know how to phrase my question."

She asked shrewdly, "Is it about Heer?"


She chuckled and said, "I figured."

He then sighed and said, "I mean...I don't get it. I know...I know there's something holding her back but she never says what it is. I feel like...if...if I understood why..."

She smiled sadly and looked at him. She said, "I know what you mean. You'd get...closure if you knew?"

He nodded and said, "Yes. That's a good way of putting it."

She sighed and asked, "What does she say?"

He looked out at the scenery and thought for a bit. He then said, "She says...she likes me but she doesn't want to...start something she can't keep up with...That we live so far apart."

She pointed out, "Well, you do live far apart."

He nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah I know that. I guess...I guess that should make sense. But something tells me...that there's more. I might be wrong. I don't know her as well as you do. It's just a feeling..."

She looked at him as he trailed off. She then shook her head and looked back at the mountains and said, "'re right. It does feel like more."

"Do you know what it is?"

After a pause, she replied, " Here's what I think. I think she doesn't ever see herself moving out of Kerala. She has been there since I've known her. She and her mom...they've built this life for themselves there.

But she's...she's deeply afraid of change. Even if it's a change she really wants. Only she can figure it though."

He smiled. He folded his arms and said, "I know." He looked at her and said, "Thanks for this."

Rina looked at him and smiled back.

"I'm glad I could be there for you."

They went back to the car, a little while later. Rina climbed into the car in the front and Ishaan climbed into the back. She turned around and saw that Heer was still asleep. She saw Ishaan settle into his seat. He then gently held Heer's arm and pulled her back to him, and placed her head on his shoulder. He pulled his book out of the front seat holder and opened it. He looked up and caught Rina looking at him. He smiled, shrugged the free shoulder and went back to his book.

Author's Note: I had written this chapter very differently the first time round. I really like the second version. :) Hope you do too!


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