Chapter 11

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Soon after breakfast, they bundled into the car and took an uphill drive towards Hatu Mata temple. The view from the window showed tall trees shrouded in misty clouds. It took everything within Heer to not stick her head outside the window and just ogle everything. One time, Rina actually had to pull her back onto her seat.

She looked at her indignantly and said, "Heer, I know the views are lovely but I cannot tell your mother that we lost your head in Spiti."

She heard a snort behind her. She looked behind with a frown and found the cover of a book staring back at her, purposefully covering Ishaan's face.

They visited Hatu Mata temple right after. There were already a few tourists there, clicking pictures of the scenery around. After darshan, Heer stepped out and sat on the stairs. She pulled out her shiny new phone and smiled. She began clicking pictures and for the last one, she put on the front camera and gave it a big grin.


She turned around, nearly dropping her phone and saw a camera pointed towards her. The flash went off and caught her wide-eyed expression. The camera lowered and she spotted Ishaan grinning back at her.

"Why did you have to scare me like that?"

He shrugged and came closer. He said, "It was a great setting. I wanted a picture."

"Yeah but you could have taken one without calling me out!"

He reached where she was sitting and sat down next to her. He looked at her and said, "Yeah but I wanted your face in the picture."

"Yeah but why?"

He sighed in mild exasperation. He fiddled with his camera buttons and then showed her the output screen. She peered and saw that half her hair was caught in her jacket and the other half was flying lightly because of the wind. Her eyes were wide but there was a light sparkle in them. She looked like she was about to say something. And all around her was a stunning, hazy backdrop. The overall effect was...quite nice.

She smiled and pulled the camera closer towards her. She looked up begrudgingly and said, "Okay's a good picture."

He smirked and said, "Yeah but..."

She chuckled and said, "Yeah but..."

Author's Note: Yeah but...:P 

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