Chapter 13

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They reached the Kalpa hotel. It was at a height that if you looked out of the window, you could see the clouds moving. Heer picked up a jacket and walked out the door. Rina asked, "Where are you going?"

She replied, "Oh just out. Look how pretty it is. I think I'll just sit out. There's a bench there."

Rina asked, "Can I join?"

"Of course!"

They made their way to the lone bench amid some trees and sat down on it. Rina tucked her arm into Heer's arm and put her head on her shoulder. Heer smiled and held on tight.

"How have you been, Rina?"

Rina smiled and replied, "I have been good, Heeriye. Life's been kind so far. I..."

Heer waited for her to finish but a reply didn't seem to come. So she tugged on her arm silently in question.

Rina didn't look up as she said, "I don't mean to sound...ungrateful. Everything's really good. I'm just...tired. And bored. The routine is too much. I feel...stuck. You know what I mean?"

Heer nodded and Rina felt her assent. She smiled lightly. Her heart felt a little lighter. So she continued.

"I don't even know why I'm complaining. I'm...I feel...It's good but it feels..."

Heer could imagine what her friend looked like right now. In pain and in complete confusion. She just hugged her friend tighter to show her solidarity.

Rina went on, "And I am not unhappy with where I am in life. I love Maddy. I love him to bits. It's the routine that is scaring me. Work. Home. Work. Home. You know?"

"Yes, I understand. I understand the pain of being stuck in one place. I understand knowing something is off but not knowing what. I hear you and I'm here for you. I think this trip is good for you."

Rina held on a little tighter and asked, "Why are you still in Kerala, Heeriye?"

Heer took a deep breath and said the thing that came most naturally to her.

"Ma needs me."

Rina replied in a rush almost as though she was afraid if she took her time with it, she would lose courage.

"Heer, you need to step out. You need a change. Heer, you shine. You shine bright. But of late, this Heer is losing her shine. You are wilting and I hate that. It hurts me to watch you hold yourself back and deny yourself of venturing out and experiencing life and all that it has to offer. I don't know why you're so afraid."

Heer felt something pierce in her heart when she heard that. It was the one thing that was hiding beneath the exhaustion. She knew her friend was right. But she was so afraid of doing anything about it.

Rina tugged and asked again, "What are you afraid of?"

Heer felt her eyes well up a little as she said, "I'm afraid of losing...people."

Rina hugged her tight and silently nodded this time. They sat quietly, arm in arm, on the bench, vulnerabilities exposed.

Rina asked quietly a little while later, "Are you enjoying the trip?"

Before she could answer, they heard a sound and looked up. It was Ishaan making his way towards them.

He set something down on the table and looked up. He had the hood of his hoodie on and when he smiled, Heer felt the beauty of where she was, slam into her all at once. It was overwhelming.

"I got Maggi! Wait, was there a party I wasn't invited to?"

Rina plucked one of the bowls and said, "Well, you're invited now!" She picked up another one and handed it to Heer. Ishaan picked up the last one and plonked himself next to Heer.

"So tell me about yourself, Heer..." 

Author's Note: Oh this one felt so good to write!

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