Chapter 17

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They were to drive to Tabo the next day. Heer chose Highway on her playlist and stuck to her window seat. She texted her mother the whole time and got the details of the resort. Her mother was happy that she was having a good time. They climbed altitude further to visit a Buddhist monastery built in 996 AD. Heer went a little camera crazy around the stunningly beautiful monastery and reached the little hut where everyone else was seated. Ishaan brought piping hot Maggi to the table when Heer sat down in a chair. He offered his bowl to her and asked, "Want?"

She looked down at it and shook her head.

"No, no. I'll go get my own. Thanks."

He nodded slowly. As she made her way away from earshot, he leaned in and asked Rina, "I may be overthinking but have I angered Heer unknowingly?"

Rina immediately shook her head and said, "No, of course not. You're good."

He eyed Heer in the hut slowly who was suddenly all smiles and said, "Hmmm, I don't think so. There's a different vibe..."

She smiled slightly and asked, "And that bothers you?"

He blinked and looked at her to reply, "Yeah! I'd like to enjoy my trip and it's difficult to do that if I know someone is decidedly unhappy with me."

Rina patted Ishaan on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "It's not you, Ishaan. I'm sure things will be fine. Was she rude to you though?"

"No, no. I just..." He sighed and then said, "Never mind. You're right. I'm sure it'll be alright."

She smiled and got up from her seat.

"I'll go help her with the food."

With that, she walked into the hut towards Heer. Heer turned around and smiled at her friend. She leaned on the counter as the Maggi was getting done.

Rina then asked softly, " everything alright?"

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"Is Ishaan bothering you?"

Heer paused and frowned.

"No, no. He's quite nice. Why?"

Rina noted shrewdly, "You suddenly don't seem to want to hang out with him anymore. Is it because of what I said?"

Heer sighed. She wasn't as subtle as she wanted to be then. And she didn't want anyone to feel bad.

"" She then came closer to Rina and leaned on the counter to say in a very soft voice for the fear of being overheard.

"You're right. He's really charming. It's so easy to...just enjoy his company."

Rina laughed and asked, "Then why don't you? It's a holiday, Heer. Hang out with a cute guy. Talk. Laugh. Just be."

Heer raised her eyes and saw Ishaan laughing at something someone had just said. There was that laugh again. It was with complete abandon. Almost as though, he was about to fall off any minute with mirth. What must it be like to do things with complete abandon? He clearly knew how to do it.

Rina then said, "You don't have to take this anywhere, you know that right? Just enjoy his company for now."

Heer just shook her head and said, "I can't...I think if I let myself, I'll end up liking him too much and then I'll just be sad when I go back."

Rina didn't know what to say. So she just extended her arms and hugged her friend. Heer hugged her back and smiled. She then got the Maggi bowls and passed one to Rina.

"Come. Let's go outside."

Rina walked a few steps and then stopped her to say, "Wait...I forgot the ketchup. Can you get it?"

Heer nodded and went back inside the hut.

Rina didn't want her friend to keep blocking out everything in her life. Small chances of joy. She has kept that wall up for too long. She needed help in bringing it down. Something told her this guy actually cared enough to do that. She rushed outside and sat next to Ishaan. He sat up straight and looked at her to ask, "All good?"

Rina smiled and nodded. Before Heer could make her way back to the table, she gestured at something behind him with her eyes.

Ishaan frowned and then looked behind to figure out what she was trying to say. He then smiled slowly as he understood. As Heer walked back, he pulled an empty chair and placed it next to him. When she neared, he adjusted it, looked up at her sweetly and said, "Saved you a seat."

She looked at the chair, then at him and then shrugged and sat down.


"My pleasure."

Author's Note: Because I have been really really late in posting, I shall try to post a few at the same time. Okay? :)


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