"She knew wolves as a kid?" Scott questioned. "But I knew her as a kid!"

"Yes, those are the memories I was talking about. She grew up with the Hales," Merced informed him, information that Haven had the chance to tell her friends.

"How did I not know know this?" Scott asked.

"I was good at keeping our human life and our supernatural one separate when she was a kid," Merced replied, looking at her trembling daughter. "Perhaps I should've kept her without her memories. Excuse me."

She put a hand on Scott's shoulder before she excused herself upstairs, likely going to tend to the burn mark Scott saw on her wrist. He turned back to his friends, the two boys going to engulf Haven in their arms.

"What're you guys doing here?" she asked as she pulled away from them, her eyes still seeming dazed.

"We brought ice cream and pizza," Stiles said, scratching the back of his head. "Which is probably cold and melted by now... we were planning on surprising you with a movie night after the day we've had with the whole kanima drama, and it's something we haven't done in a while... it's supposed to bring spring break... and that's when we saw the flames from the window."

"Oh," she nodded, rubbing her hands on her arms. "Well, put the ice cream in the freezer and let's heat up that pizza."

"Are you sure you're up to hang out right now?" Scott asked.

"Anything is better than having to think about the eleven years of my life that was missing and is now back," Haven said softly, a tear rolling down her face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Stiles asked her, brushing her hair out of her face.

"All you have to know is that Derek's mom is my godmother, my mom is his, and I was really good friends with his sister Cora," she informed them, her voice shaking as she spoke. Stiles' eyes widened at the information. "And Talia and Cora are both dead, and I watched them burn in a fire before passing out. And somehow I woke up in my bed the next day with no recollection of how I got there, and it was that pain of losing them that my mother took away from me. And now I'm feeling it again."

Stiles wrapped his arms around her again, placing his chin on top of hers as he rubbed her back.

"I'll go get the ice cream and the pizza," Scott said, rubbing her back before exiting the house.

When Merced came downstairs after her shower and tending to the burn on her wrist, she found that the two boys who had stuck by her daughter's side almost all her life had her sandwiched between them on the couch with blankets in between them. She smiled as she watched Scott feed her ice cream while she leaned on Stiles.

She had chosen two extremely loyal friends, and Merced couldn't have been more proud of her for it.


"You had a mental breakdown last night, and now you want to go back to normal?" Stiles questioned, standing in the kitchen with Haven as she cooked breakfast the next morning.

"It's the full moon tonight, Stiles. I can't just sit around and mope over deaths that happened when we were eleven when we have a werewolf best friend, a kanima half-friend, and I also have a werewolf godbrother and boyfriend."

"Does full moons do anything for you? Yanno, there's always talk about how the full moon is when witches are like, strong or something?" Stiles questioned, watching as she put bacon onto the plate in front of him.

"Yeah, my mom mentioned something about how we draw power from the moon, so while werewolves are out of control on the night of the full moon and crave to wolf out, witches are calm and collected, at their best."

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