Chapter 15

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You guys can be honest, tell me what you think of the story, I feel like the whole fight scene was rushed and just sucked in general. I don't think I focused on all the villains equally also, in case your wondering, they are oc characters but I don't think that they will be seen again. I also feel that I don't know how to write Annabeth's pov, she is such a strong character and she also has a balanced sweet side that I can't write that good. Please comment who's pov you think is the most out of character. I also tend to publish the chapter before I look over everything for typos. Ok enough jibber- jabbering, here is the chapter↓

Annabeth's pov (Breakfast time, the day after the bank robbery)

"Guy's, I'm not sure we should have gone into the public eye yet." Piper turned and looked at me. "Really, why?" "Because we didn't fully understand the meta-humans of this place, most people don't support superheroes, they fear them because what they, we are capable of." I answered. "That bank did get really damaged during the robbery" Jason stated. "Exactly and we can't be trusted and feared at the same time, we have to do more good than bad, and  we weren't prepared for the fight which was sloppy and got out of hand, the building could have toppled on us and the hostages." I said. "What are you proposing?" Percy asked. We need to train together, prepare for all possibilities to be ready, which means finding a place to train." "I think your right, things could have ended a lot differently yesterday"Jason said. "Not to mention most of the news stations don't have a lot of flattering things to say about us" Leo said, looking up from a little copper machine. "But I think we can change that!" I said. "How?" Hazel asked, everyone looking up interested. "Ok, here's the plan"...

When we arrived, about 15 minutes after the breakfast meeting, the whole area was taped off. There was a construction crew surrounding the area, fixing our mess. We really had worked a number on the bank, even though the bad guys had helped destroy it. As we walked over to the area, everyone stopped working and stared, some looked confused, some angry, a few even looked scared. "Hey guys, we really made a mess of the place, but we might be able to help fix the building, or at least make it easier on you" Percy said. "We can't let people on this property" The crew leader said. "Please we just want to fix what we messed up" Piper said but she had no charmspeak in her voice. It took some persuading, but eventually they let us help.

Percy lifted the water out of the building and caused the floors to dry. Hazel helped Frank move the rubble, Hazel moved the metals and marble, Jason used the winds to blow the lighter stuff onto the makeshit sled that Frank the Elephant pulled. Frank carried the heavier stuff with his trunk. Jason summoned some clouds to offer shade.

After the debris was cleared, we helped in other ways. Piper sang as she worked, her voice flowing through everyone, giving them newfound energy. Leo and I helped with the actual construction, because I could understand the blueprints for the building and Leo could work the machinery better than the construction crew themselves. We all helped move wooden beams and sacks of concrete and other supplies, as we could carry twice as much as the construction crew. Halfway through the day the Daily Planet news showed up, and Lois Lane interviewed us as we worked, even passing us tools, as she was next to the tool box.

"When we talked yesterday, it was brie so could you tells us who you are?" She asked. "Um, no offense, but we wear our masks to protect our private life's." She smiled, "I completely understand, I meant what do you call yourselves?" I looked at the other 6, they all had surprised looks on their faces. I blushed "I don't know, it felt weird picking out names for ourselves we don't have code names our a team name". "Well I would find one soon before the media picks one for you. Next question, yesterday you said you were descended from the greek gods, do you have any relation to the Justice Leaguers, Wonder Woman or Aquaman?" "We don't have superheroes or villains on our Earth" Hazel answered. Lois then asked us about our planet and our lineage from the God's. She looked a little shocked to found out that Frank's dad was Mars be Ares was a supervillain here. And we had to explain our way out of the situation, but Lois was actually a nice lady. We finished the bank, which should have taken a week in just 2 days.

A Quick shoutout to my 2 good Wattpad friends SophiaZhang234 and FullNephilim who has another account called Aquitaine_  so please check them out they are some really cool people. Thank you, Peace out ✌

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