Chapter 13

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Just wanted to say that I found the photo above online, and thought it would be good for Percy so i changed it a little.

Hazel's pov

There was a knock on the door and I sat up quickly, or I tried to but couldn't because Piper was laying across me with her armpit in Annabeth's face. I giggled as they both sat up too. I looked over and saw that the boys were sitting up too. Jason was rubbing his noggin after headbutting Frank the Bulldog. "Ouch!!" He yelled turning back into a human.

"Who's there" I called out. "Housekeeping, do you need me to take care of anything?" replied the sweet voice of an old lady. "No, but thanks anyways, have a nice day!"I called out. "Ugh... Why are you so chipper" "I've just always been a morning person, besides it's noon" I said,in a fake indignant voice. "Oh...wait really, I can't believe I slept so long"Frank asked "I know right, I didn't even have the typical demigod nightmares!" Piper said getting up to brush her teeth. "Maybe the dreams don't affect us here" Leo said.

"Speaking of here, I wonder if they have an I-Hop on this Earth" Percy said. "Now your talking" Jason said still rubbing his head. "I really wish that we could get you a helmet" Piper said. "I'll help you find one" I said. "Ok for real though that can wait, I mean look at me, I'm practically wasting away!" Percy said lifting his shirt up and rubbing his stomach, which looked fine. Annabeth just rolled her eyes. "Of course you are, can you survive till we all get dressed, or you gonna die of starvation?" She asked in a playful manner. Percy paused for a moment , as if calculating how much time he has left" "I think i can survive a few more minutes" He replied. "If he doesn't make it I'm not helping bury him" Leo said as we all took turns changing and brushing our teeth.

**Time skip, ( for Percy's sake)**

After we walked around for a while, we passed the rough looking neighborhood that we had landed, which we learned were called the Suicide Slums. "Lets not go down there again, I didn't pick it up yesterday, but there's a lot of death here." Thankfully we found a chain restaurant called Jitters. Frank told us that the business had originally started in a place called Central City, after reading the menu. I love the guy and all, but honestly he would read the ingredients off a can of soup. It was a coffee shop but it had a small breakfast menu. We all had pancakes and coffee and it was actually peaceful for about 15 minutes, we were watching the news, when we heard police sirens and gunshots at the edge of the block. In 10 seconds, all the people at the restaurant ran outside with us right behind them.

At the end of the block, was the Bank of Metropolis and it was surrounded by police cars and a helicopter, along with dozens of civilians. "Hazel, can you cover us with the mist so no-one will see us change". I closed my eyes and focused reaching for the mist, trying to summons it the way I can summon riches from the Earth, only I couldn't. "Hazel?" I heard one of my friends call in the distance. I focused harder, not taking no for an answer. I concentrated and felt the mist rising from the Earth. "Hazel!?!" I heard the alarm in the voice. Then the mist curled around us and our costumes appeared on our bodies at will. I stumbled and Frank caught me "should I stay behind with her?" He asked looking at Annabeth. "N-no I'm fine, the mist just isn't under the influence of the gods, it's random and chaotic" Everyone stared at me a little uncertain. "I'm fine, c'mon People could be getting hurt.

I dropped the mist from around us, letting us be seen by the police. "Who are you guys the police commissioner" asked. "We're here to help, sir, could you tell us what the situation is " Piper asked, her charmspeak urgent. Her powers had grown a lot stronger since the battle at Camp Halfblood, and I doubt that many mortals could resist it anymore.
"There are four armed hostiles, at least two of which are meta's and 11 hostages" "What exactly is a meta" Frank asked. The commissioner looked at him in disbelief. "You know, meta humans, people with superpowers. "C'mon guys we got to get in there". Annabeth reminded us and we sprinted to the door.

Next I'm going to do Annabeth s pov also I'm really proud of myself for the long chapter. Peace out ✌

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