Saying our goodbyes.

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Spoiler if you haven't read trials of Apollo
Suddenly i was standing in front of mom, she screamed dropping a bag of Doritos and her 7 layer dip. I lunged to grab them and I heard Paul run in behind me, Estelle on his hip. Spoiler(Estelle) over"Percy" she exclaimed "what wrong" she said already noticing somethings not right. I told them everything trying to make it less scary like I always do so I don't  worry them. "Please be careful" mom said,  tears in her eyes I dont want to loose you". I'll try, time passes faster there I'll be back before you know it" I explained. "I love you Percy be safe"Paul said. "I love you both, don't worry about me I told them". "You know we can't do that" mom said. "I love you I said one more time before being called back to Olympus, a tear running down my cheek.

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