Chapter 3

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**I suck at naming chapters*
Ok this is new, I thought. I could feel all the nervous energy radiating off my friends. We were all terrified by the scared look on the gods faces. Zeus was the first to speak "Half-Bloods, a new danger has arisen, potentially more dangerous than Gaea and we need your help." I looked at my friends and we all came to a silent agreement. "You all look so terrified," Nico said" what could be worse than Gaea. This time it was the Hera who spoke up "we have discovered a new group of enemies". "It cant be that bad, surely the 9 of us plus you gods could handle it, right" Leo asked. "We gods cannot act against this crisis" Zeus said. Tell me something I don't know I thought. "This threat is different than you imagine" Zeus said. "How" Annabeth asked obviously annoyed by their beating around the bush. "The threat isn't from this universe, dear" Aphrodite said from the corner, as if it was obvious. All our jaws dropped but not for the reason they normally would when a goddess of beauty talks. "Come again" Frank said, a weird look on his face. Hermes raised an eyebrow and said "you mean to tell me your standing on Mount Olympus which happens to be located above the empire state building, talking to the Olympians and you are shocked that there is a multi-verse". "A little" Frank replied sheepishly. "What is this Universe like lord Jupi-, I mean Zeus" Reyna asked. "Well for one thing, the gods have little influence on the world, except for a hidden island called Themiscyra, which is inhabited by Amazons and men are forbidden to enter it." Wait if you can see that, then can you also see this "threat" Piper asked. "It took Hecate an hour to even find that and she could only do that because this "Themiscyra" is what connects our two worlds together" Poseidon said. "There is something else you should know before you go" Hera told us."What" Annabeth asked in an annoyed tone, she can't stand Hera's love of dramatic pauses(or Hera in general, but then again know one can. "You won't be the only ones with powers she said." "Everyone on that earth has powers!" I asked in disbelief. "No just a few, boy" Ares sneered. "How do we get there?" Jason asked. "We can open a portal but it would take all us Olympian and time passes faster there." Athena stated. "You will need to pack light. We will provide you with mortal money, Apollo said. "Will we still have our powers?" Hazel asked. Zeus replied "We don't know, there is only so much we can see. You should say good bye to your families and we will bring you back here. They waved their hands and everything went white.

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