Chapter 5

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**Yes I'm not going to be naming chapters anymore and forget what i said about them being in there twenties**

As I was brought back to Olympus everyone else was back, the gods had altered the time it took so it lasted a second. I wiped off the tear and put on my serious face. I looked around and saw everyone else was emotional too. Even the gods looked like they would be slightly sad of we died. "Remember to not let anyone learn of our universe and be sneaky about using your powers". You will need to fight the evil while in disguise. " "So were all going be superheroes?" Leo asked.What if a monster attacks us" Frank asked. Most of the monsters on that earth are human" Artemis said. But if you have we will make you costumes so you can hide your identities. " Not all of you, New Rome needs its praetor and Nico is needed here for a quest with an Egyptian and a daughter of Demeter. "What" they both said in unison. " Too many people will make their mission more dangerous, Athena said.  "7 is a lot as it is but we need there skill sets." You will alsp need to attend high school, here you cant all hang out together in public or you will raise suspicions".  We've waited long enough though" Zeus said snapping is fingers. The sound echoed in my head making me feel nauseous as the room spun and i felt like the floor was melting under my feet.

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