Chapter 14

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©#@₱+€® 1¢4 is here and you didn't have to wait long for it, you all should be so proud of meee!!!

Annabeths pov

Before it made it five steps away from the restaurant, Jitters, I was running different scenarios through my head, formulating a plan.  When your something surrounded by some of the most powerful demigods, you have to bring something to the table. I might not have any powers, but plans and battle strategy are the closest thing to them that I got, and I've perfected them both.

     As we ran into the building, I told everyone the plan: "Frank, go in as something inconspicuous, Leo, did you set the up earpieces?" Leo shook his head yes. He had made small coms so we could hear and talk to each other, each the size of the head of a small nail and very difficult to see due to the way they are positioned and their clear color. "Good, report to us what's happening inside. "Ok" he said, as he turned into a butterfly and flew around the corner of the building. Jason, take Hazel up on the skylight, and wait there. Hazel, you made to cover our entrances. Leo and Piper, go around the back and get the door unlocked but don't go in yet. "Ok, we got this" Jason said as he lifted Hazel up and Leo and Piper sprinted around the building. "And your with me Seaweed Brain, as soon as Frank reports back we're going through the front" "He held my hand and smiled thats how I like it", he replied.
  In his comunicator( I'm going to call them coms), Percy asked "Is everyone in position?" After everyone confirmed that they were all in there places, Frank whispered "There's  a scrawny boy who looks about seventeen, lifting the 300 pound looking bank manager up by the shirt collar, a girl who looks like she is cloaked in shadows. A boy with a big gun strapped on his back and a wrist cannons and a normal looking brunette girl, but I think they have an eye in the sky, because they all keep talking to someone named Angus, they probably have coms like us". "Ok, so they have someone with super strength and possible darkness manipulation, but now we no what we are up against, Jason what do you see from up there". "They have a boy in the backroom waiting by the safe with a walkie talkie and he looks like the brunettes twin, and she has the other walkie talkie".
Then I heard a girls voice on a megaphone from inside "Listen up Officers, you have one minutes to bring nine thousand dollars to the front, or people are getting shot". Then it went silent. "Annabeth?", Piper asked. "We need to move now, Percy blow the plumbing, so we can go in undetected" He closed his eyes in concentration and I grabbed a decent sized rock. He grabbed my hand, and we ran towards the doors.
When we got close enough we heard the splash of gallons of water from multiple points inside the building and I chucked the rock through the glass door and  knocked the rest away the bow staff that came in the bag with the costume and I willed into move into two shorter pieces, kinda like escrima sticks.

As soon as the glass shattered, all eyes turned on us. The boy with the guns was strikingly scary, his face was scarred, so it looked like a cat thought his face was a scratching post and he had let the cat sit there for hours scratching his face. "Your not superman" the boy with superstrength said.  I decided to call him Greenie because he was wearing green. "I'm sorry, who?" Percy asked. It doesn't matter said, because your interfering, and so now we got to kill you",  Claw Face said. Then lightning cracked and glass shattered and Jason and Hazel descended from the roof "And us too, I'm assuming" Jason said as he and Hazel got into fighting stance "Well, good luck with that" Piper said standing in front of the back door with Leo. "Beacause we aren't going to make it easy" said Frank, who seemed to come out of nowhere. "I think you've tragically over estimated yourselves!" Shadow Girl said. Then all Hades broke loose.


The normal looking girls hair started growing and she flung it like a whip at Leo, who managed to barely dodge it. He grabbed a spiny chair and slung it at her. The strong scrawny boy charged at Frank, only to be kicked in the chest by a donkey who then let out a HEE-HAW! He flew back and almost landed on Percy. "Hey, watch it Frank!" Percy yelled, as he rolled out of the way. ClawFace charged at me, and tried to shoot me with his wrist cannons, I barely deflected it with my battons. "Piper, switch me dancing partners" I yelled as I rolled under ClawFace and managed too knock his feet out from under him. As I turned to face the boy Piper been fighting, the boy who looked like the brunettes twin, I heard her convincing ClawFace to turn himself in.
  The boy lunged at me, but I dodged. He dropped to the ground and spun, sticking his leg out to trip me. I fell with an oof, but managed to roll away as he picked up a brick from a wall that Not-So-Scrawny boy must have collapsed. He chucked it at me and I leaped out of the way, his twin wasn't so lucky. Tasha, look out! he yelped, but he was too late it hurt in her thigh, and her leg buckled beneath her. So thats Miss Rapunzels name I thought. She got up and screamed in rage, tendrils of her hair shot out and grabbed percy, who was fighting Not-So-Scrawny, and Leo, who was picking the locks on the chains that held the hostages. She spun them like a Tilt-a-Wirl and bounced them off the walls and ceiling. "Leo, hair is flammable!" I screamed. Tasha turned and looked at Leo in horror. "I'm a pyrokenitic" he said as he gave her a terrifying grin a touched his flaming hands to her hair. She dropped them and let out an ear splitting wail. I turned my focus on ClawFace who was walking slowly to the door when an invisible force slammed him back. "She's mind controlling you, idiot" said a voice with no body. "Ahhhh!" Piper yelped as she fell to her knees. All our friends turned their focus to Piper, all the robbers unconscious except Shadow Girl, Claw face and Sasha's brother and whatever hit Piper. That's when I realized, Frank said they kept talking to someone named Angus, I thought they had coms like us. "They have a guy named Angus, he's invisible." I blurted as Jason ran to help Piper up, she had a large gash on the back of her thigh. "Leo do you have any paint. He stuck his hand elbow deep in one of the pockets, even though the aren't deep enough for his hand to go that deep. "Ummm.... Got it!" He pulled out a can of paint. I ducked as the shadow of the front desk flew at me, it hit the wall putting cracks. "Percy, try to hit Angus and Jason, can you use the winds to feel for him. "I could try" Jason said. I ran at Shadow Girl only to be hit by a chair's shadow, and I fell hard on my side. "That hurt" I yelled as I ran at her putting my bo staff back together. I swiped at her legs, but she jumped and rolled. She came back up and shot a shadow at me but I dodged. I jabbed her in the stomach with it and she fell  backwards into Leo who tied her up. She shot a shadow at him but he burst into flames which made them fizzle out. "SLEEP!" Piper told her and she curled up in a ball and started snoring. We turned to see a man tied up and covered in paint and Claw Face wrapped in the coils of a Burmese Python. Leo and me helped the hostages up out of their chains and checked for injuries and the police escorted the robbers to a place called Arkham.

A pretty woman named Louis Lane asked us a lot questions, and we soon realized that she wasn't going to take "No comment" as an answer. Piper told her that we are children of the Olympian gods and that we were just here to help, etc.  Then we had Hazel hide us in the Mist so we could get away. By the time we got to the hotel room, our wounds, which weren't very serious had already healed. "That was exhausting" Frank said, as he flopped on the couch. "I know right, all the fight really helped me work up an appetite " Percy said. "I'll order a pizza, bro"Jason said. Five minutes later, we ate pizza and watched ourselves on the news.

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