Chapter 44

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The following night, Ella and Peter got to hear all about Chase during half-apps. They were utterly intrigued by the circumstances surrounding our first encounter and convinced that fate had reunited us years later. Of course, like Alexa, they also wanted to meet him in person.

When I got home around eleven, I found Antonio reclining on the couch reading a book. He looked so at ease, a stark contrast to the usual slight frown he wore on his lips. Upon hearing my footsteps, he set his book down then sat up straight.

"How was half-apps?", he inquired.

"It was fun. I can't wait to sleep, though."

A ghost of a smile formed on his lips.

"Sorry for keeping you up so late."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"I didn't mind it. How's the book you're reading?"

"I haven't touched it in a year, so I had to do some re-reading. It's decent so far."


He rose from the couch then we both headed up the stairs to our room.

"So, Carlo and Chelsea are expecting their baby to arrive the middle of next month," he remarked when we reached the top, turning to face me.

"That's so soon! I'm so excited for them." I beamed.

"Same here. Anyway, I'm planning on flying there and staying for a week since I'll be on spring break."

I feigned a pout.

"I wish I had spring break. That's a great idea, though. You and Carlo need to spend more time together. And you'll get to meet your niece."

He nodded, frowning slightly.

"Thing is, I'll be missing your birthday."

I waved a hand dismissively.

"Pssh, twenty-six years is hardly a milestone. And birthdays don't matter to me anymore. I'm old now."

He grinned playfully.

"If you're old, then I'm ancient."

I smirked.

"Exactly. But seriously, don't worry about my birthday. I'll just treat myself at the spa or something."

"Sounds good."

He pulled me into his arms for a kiss and then we both got ready for bed.

The very first Friday of March, Antonio's mom came to visit. She was staying with us for a week before leaving for Boston with Antonio. We both drove to the airport after work to pick her up, and as soon as she reached the curb, he leaped out of the car to give her a huge hug.

Antonio absolutely adored his mother. Growing up, they'd been attached at the hip while Carlo was closer to their father. He'd admitted to having been spoiled by her, especially after the divorce. At sixty-two years of age, Ava Rossi was still every bit the beautiful, stunning woman I'd seen in their family photos. She had thick brunette hair, streaked with strands of silver, and her eyes were emerald green pools.

Like my dad, she'd been happily single since her divorce, and apart from the minor heart attack she had last year, her health was in top condition. No doubt she was looking forward to becoming a grandmother now.

I followed suit and also got out of the car to give her a hug.

"How are you, darling?", she asked, kissing me on both cheeks.

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