Chapter 34

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I sat in the car reapplying my lipstick while Antonio responded to students' emails. Judging from the rapid movements of his fingers, he probably had received a ton.

"You torturing your students again, hon?", I asked.

His lips were pursed as he drew his brows together, deepening the lines on his forehead.

"I may have assigned a homework problem that is, quote, "impossible." I'm just trying to get them to think beyond the surface of my lecture notes is all."

"Oh god, I hated professors who did that."

"Thanks for the support," he deadpanned.

"Anytime." I batted my eyelashes at him.

He shook his head, chuckling under his breath.

"So, what are you saying to them?"

"I'm telling them they can skip the problem for now and that I'll go over the solution in class on Monday. A few, though, are genuinely attempting to solve it, and I'm giving them hints."

"How generous. Okay, I'm ready to go inside now."

"Cool." He pocketed his phone then gave me his undivided attention. "How are you feeling?"

"Very full." I patted my stuffed tummy. "And a bit sleepy. You know me—after a meal, I crave a nap."

"Yes, I know you, mia bella. And we won't stay too long." He reached over to give my thigh an affectionate squeeze then we both got out of the car.

Eighties music filled the low-lit bar when we entered, and I immediately approved of the setting. Black leather booths lined the sides of the room, with red lights hanging above each of the tables while the wood interior and decor created a masculine feel.

Chase and Gwen were standing at the bar talking to one of the bartenders, and we headed towards them.

"You guys made it," Chase said with a grin.

"We did. This is a nice place," Antonio complimented, taking in the surroundings.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite bars in Hollywood. They play good music, too."

"I agree," I voiced with a nod.

I was humming along to Def Leppard's, "Hysteria," as Chase led us to one of the nearby booths, then we all sat down, with him and Gwen in the ottoman bench seat across from us. Most of the patrons looked around our age and were impeccably dressed. Some of the guys even wore full on suits.

"Drinks are on me," Antonio announced as he began perusing through the cocktail menu.

"I'm cool with that," Chase acquiesced. He'd paid for dinner earlier.

"Anyone down for tequila shots?", Antonio asked.

"Ooh, that sounds excellent," Gwen said. I nodded in agreement. Antonio waved one of the bartenders over and put in our order.

"So Chase, tell me about how you and my wife came to know each other." He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, bringing his interlaced hands up to his chin.

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