Chapter 22

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Later that evening, after we'd eaten lunch and gone for a walk, Antonio drove back home to LA, and I cleaned up around the apartment with a permanent smile plastered on my face. He was literally the most perfect human being, and he was all mine, at last.

It was when I was snuggled up in my bed, with Antonio's scent lingering in the sheets, that I decided to give, Alexa, a call. Boy, did I have a lot to catch her up on.

"Soph?", she answered on the very first ring, her voice throaty.

"Lex, hey! Are you ok? Your voice sounds off."

"Give me a moment," she said in a distracted tone.

I heard the sound of things shuffling around followed by the sound of a masculine voice in the background, and a smile spread across my face as I speculated at what was currently happening.

"Were you in the middle of having sex?", I asked mischievously.

"Yes. No. Maybe..."


"We finished just as you called," she admitted with a giggle.

"Girl, I am so sorry for interrupting. I'll call later—"

"No, it's ok. I told David you're my best friend. He's very understanding," she said cheerfully.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. He'll pass out in like five minutes."

"I see. So, David, huh? Tell me more about this guy."

For the next ten minutes, Alexa brought me up to date on her latest catch—David Porter, a finance director at Nike. He worked over at their headquarters in Oregon, and the two of them recently met at a conference there, where they ended up spending the night at his condo.

Since then, they'd been communicating via texts and calls, and according to Alexa, their feelings were mutual hence he'd flown in to New York last night to spend time with her.

"I never thought I'd be the type to do long distance, but well, here I am," she said wryly.

"Yeah, when I heard he lived across the country from you, I was kinda hesitant, too. But hey, you two might be in it for the long haul. If you feel strongly enough for each other, then distance shouldn't be a problem."

"As some wise person once quoted, 'distance makes the heart grow fonder.'"

I smiled to myself.

"Exactly. I'm happy you've got David, Lex. You deserve a good guy, and he sounds like one."

"He's great. You'll have to meet him soon. So, I'm kind of nervous to bring this up, but I'll do it anyway. Did that dick ever try to contact you?" Her tone had an edge to it, and I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Let's just say...that 'dick' has made a lot of contact with me the past twelve hours...could've been in me, too, if it weren't for my freaking period," I said with a half-groan half-sigh.

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