Chapter 25

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"Gosh, would you look at this thing? It's probably worth more than my college debt," Ella remarked as she thrust my wrist towards Peter, making tsk-tsk sounds.

"You sure Antonio doesn't have some shady side job we're unaware of?", Peter joked with a raised brow, admiring my ring.

"Well, there was that stripper possibility," I quipped. We all burst out laughing.

"But seriously, Soph, congratulations. You managed to land yourself a total hunk who also has brains. Guys like that are very rare nowadays," Ella said matter-of-factly.

Peter coughed into his hand, and she shot him a pointed look.

"I wasn't talking about you, you idiot."

"So, you do think I'm a hunk with brains?" His lips twitched with amusement.

"Of course! When did I ever make you think otherwise?"

"For the record, Ella, you've always referred to me as the 'clueless frat boy'."

"That's because you do look like one. But hey, I've always had a thing for frat boys."

She quickly covered her mouth, clearing her throat before directing her attention to me. However, the blush forming on her cheeks didn't go unnoticed.

"So, when's the wedding?", she asked, her voice an octave higher than usual.

Could it be possible? Did Ella the hopeless romantic like Peter?

I stole a glance at Peter, who had a stunned look on his boyish face as his lips curled into a smirk.

"Antonio and I were thinking some time in June," I replied.

"June is a wonderful time. And how about you, Peter? Any step closer to finding your significant other whom you can't possibly live or breathe without?"

He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head, looking deep in thought.

"There's this one girl...actually, we've been seeing each other every day for quite some time now."

"Every day?", Ella's eyebrows shot up like rockets.

"Yeah. We work together so I'm kind of forced to, not like I mind it or anything."

"Wait, she works here with us?", I blurted.

He nodded slowly.

"Well...who is she?", Ella prompted.

Was that jealousy I detected in her tone?

"I'd rather not say," he muttered.

"Why not?", she demanded.

Peter quickly glanced at his watch then stood up with his tray.

"Gotta go, guys. I have to continue running those tests in the lab. See you Friday?"

He was addressing the both of us, but I was able to catch the brief, meaningful look he gave Ella as we both nodded our heads, bidding him good-bye.

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