10. Rescue mission

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The moment that Klaus is finally sleeping deeply, Caroline made her escape, leaving a letter in the bedside table for Klaus.

I went out. Be back soon.


Hoping that when He wakes up, He will not find her right away and will buy her more time before He will realized that She is really gone. She left another letter to the compelled nanny of the twins, to be given to Klaus during the afternoon  or later when she is finally miles away.

I know you are going to be real mad at me, please understand that I have to do this, I cannot just leave Stefan to die. We found out days ago that He was taken captive, and decided to go with Damon and Bonnie to rescue him. He is not just my boyfriend but also my bestfriend, and I owe Him so much to tell Him what happened between us over the phone. I need to know that He is safe and need to settle things between us personally. Please take good care of the twins for me, don't let your anger cloud your judgement and reasons. I will be back as soon as I can. Please forgive me.


When Klaus woke up and found Caroline's letter in the table, he felt uneasy but thinking that maybe she just went out for a bit to buy some sfuff, he let it go. He showered then talk to Elijah and Marcel about what they found out about Lucien Castle. Apparently He is busy cooking up something really crazy which make Him and Elijah have a bad feeling about it. They found out,  that He is experimenting some werewolves and vampires in his laboratory, using the venom and turning into something and that is what they want to find out more.

Klaus went out with Elijah and Kol the wholeday, Paying a visit to some of Lucien's  headquarters and find the same things like the previous ones. Werewolves and vampires being experimented; luckily, in the last headquarter they found some werewolves who are still alive, very weak but still alive. Elijah took them, planning to question them and hoping to find answers in Lucien's diabolic plans.

It is past midnight when He is finally home, He went straight to his bedroom expecting Caroline to be in his bed sleeping. He is surprised to find it empty, in fact He cant find her anywhere inside the compound. Freya told hin that She did not see Caroline the entire day, this made him really suspicious. He dialled her number but every time He calls, it went straight to voicemail. The nanny got up when Josie cried. She then handed Klaus the letter that Caroline left for him.

Klaus is not only worried, he is mad as hell, breaking and throwing things infront of Him. Everybody is awake now with all the noise He made, including the babies. He asked Freya to do a locator spell for Caroline, however, she is cloaked which is expected which fueled Klaus anger even more.
Caroline, Damon and Bonnie finally landed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia the next day,  and compelled a driver to take them to Seam Reap. That was Stefan's and Valerie's last location. Stefan told Damon and Caroline over the phone that they found a group of natives that still grow the herbs that they need to cover the beacon signal from the Phoenix sword's wound. Days after that, they lost communication with him.

The vision that Caroline saw with the help of Freya was that stefan was chained to some kind of cave surrounded by native people, probably the same people who are growing and guarding those herbs.

It took them 5 days to track where Stefan and Valerie are taken. With the help of another witch that they met along the way, the witch took them to one of the abandoned temple ruins. The witch informed them that those natives are consist mostly of humans lead by a warlock whose ancestor is one of those witches that binds the power of the Phoenix sword.

The natives are doing some kind of ritual, Stefan and Valerie are tied together  at the center of a circle and hanged upside down with a big bonfire below them. As the natives circled  the two, dancing and yelling, probably preparing the two to be sacrificed in the ritual. Bonnie chanted which immobilized everyone including the warlock,  Damon snaps all the native's  necks while Caroline freed Stefan and Valerie.

Finally made it all  back to the hotel where they stayed, Stefan and Valerie  cleaned up first. They took the warlock with them back to the hotel, hoping to find more answers regarding the herbs and about Reyna Cruz. Damon compelled the warlock to tell them everything he knows about the herbs and Reyna Cruz. They found out that Reyna can be killed and that the last remaining herbs are inside in one of the secret chambers in angkor wat. Reyna have 9 lives as it was given by 9 witches who sacrificed themselves and spelled the phoenix sword to kill vampires. Whoever was marked by the sword will die along with her when her 9th life is taken. The warlock told them that the only way to stop from dying along with reyna is to perform a transfer spell by  siphoning the curse to be transferred to another vampire. However, it can only be performed by the  descendants of the 3 most powerful witches; the original witch- Freya, Bennett witch- Bonnie and Gemini- the twins.

Damon killed the warlock after He told them everything, Bonnie asked Damon to let him go but being Damon, he killed him instead.

The following day when everyone is rested, Caroline asked Stefan to take a walk with her while Damon, Bonnie and Valerie went to get the herbs.

Stefan and Caroline sit near a lake. Stefan touched her face and inclined his face to kiss her, She didn't move. Stefan kiss her slowly first then the kiss deepened. Stefan pulled her closer and everything turned too passionate, she pulled back and give Stefan a slight push which surprised him. She knows He misses her but it doesn't feel right for her anymore, she is with Klaus now, although technically she is still with Stefan and planning to tell Him and break up with him.
"Stefan, we need to talk. There is something that I really need to tell you" she said while taking more steps back away from Him. " Please dont tell me this have something to do with Klaus and you, Care". He said while giving me a hurtful and doubtful look. "Actually it is. I'm sorry Stefan, I didnt mean it to happened, something is changed between me and Klaus the moment I saw him again, I didn't expect it, but the tension and connection grew the more time we spend together. "  I explained. "You had sex with him again!" He said it as a statement and not as a question, as if he knew all along. "Yes, and it happened more than once, in fact He asked me to be really with him, I know what I did is really terrible and I understand if you can't forgive me and will hate me." I told him as I started to cry. 
Stefan didnt speak or move first then He smiled at me sadly and touched my cheek. "I can't hate you, Care. You will always be my bestfriend and I will always love you but I know we are no longer in love with each other the moment we chose not to be together. Something happend between Me and Valerie also ,  we didn't had sex but we kissed multiple times, I was planning to tell you also about it, after we finally have the herbs, I want to pay you a visit and talk to you." He said.
"I think this is it for us huh?" We both smile then hug tightly. "I will always be here for you stefan and I want you to be happy with her, She really loves you, she was pregnant with your child once, maybe fate have plans for both of you." I told him as I gave him a friendly peck in his cheek. "Yeah, I hope so, You and Klaus huh? It's about time, Care! I'm not surprised actually, as you said your moment with him in the woods was earth shattering hot hybrid- vampire sex!" He jokes while we laugh and hug.

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