4. Finally NOLA!

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In this story and chapter, Cami and Klaus are already together as it happended during TO S3E10 during christmas, where Klaus kissed Her then Aurora's compulsion took effect which resulted in Cami's turning to Vampire. The beginning of the story started in TO S3E14, so in this time Cami and Klaus are already in a relationship and although exchanging of the L words did not happend until E19, in this story, they alredy did. I am a big Klaroline fanatic so don't hate me, Klamille has to happend to make the story more interesting as it twist to Klaroline unstoppable connections and affections later in the next chapters.

(Caroline's POV)
When We get off the plane, Elijah is waiting for us in Klau's SUV. Hello! Miss Forbes, said Elijah. Hi, Elijah. I'm sorry if I am such a burden to your family right now, with all the troubles you have at the moment, adding my problems on top of it will surely makes it tougher. None sense, love, said Klaus. This might be not the best of times for you to finally come here but I'm glad you are here now. Know, that me and my family will keep you safe and you will be always under our protection and care from this day, forward. Giving His siblings a commanding look that will fail to question Him.

We drove all the way to their mansion in the French Quarter in uncomfortable silence, including the twins who are awake but thankfully not crying.

Freya invited me in to their compound since I need to be invited in first before I could go inside the house.

I saw Hayley carrying a toddler in Her arms which I presumed to be Her and Klaus's daughter. Still surprised to see Kol even though Klaus informed me that He was back from the dead, twice. First, He was resurrected as a witch/warlock by Esther along with Finn but Finn hex Him which caused his death again and was finally resurrected by His witch girlfriend recently.
Kol- Oh! finally you are here, Nik's tasty little thing ! Klause growl, while I finally noticed the blond woman who will probably makes Damon named 2.0 version of me. She gives Klaus and me a questionable looks which followed by a most awkward silence.

Kol finally recovered from the awkwardness and speaks.
Kol- I know you are shocked to see me after your doppelgänger bff and Her brother killed me, rest assured darling that I am too awesome to stay dead!
knowing the well deserved demise that befallen to your doppelgänger bff, revenge would be unnecessary under the circumstances, plus since you didnt have a hands on it, you and I are good!
I'm sure you met Hayley, Nik's one night stand that resulted from a bottle of scotch, back in Mystic Falls, so no introduction is needed. This other blond here is Cami, Nik's newly acquired girlfriend which by the way if you noticed is a slight version of you. Finally, my beautiful and powerful niece, Hope Mikaelson! ( In His full glory of annoying smirk)

Hayley moved closer to me as I placed the car seats in the sofa so does Klaus.
Hayley- Hello, Caroline! I'm sorry for snapping your neck back in Mystic Falls and welcome to New Orleans! So these are your babies, they are still so little and beautiful.
I smiled to Her as I introduced the twins, this is lizzie and this one is josie, and they are still 2 weeks old.

Cami came closer as well.
Cami- you are a vampire and you had these babies?
Yes, technically they are not my daughters but I carried and gave birth to them 2 weeks ago which killed and desiccated me in the process.
Cami- How is that possible? I thought vampires cant procreate?
Well, they are literally procreated by humans but when their mother died, some witches from their mother's coven magically transferred them to me.

How did the pregnacy worked? Haylesy asked.
I guess not different from the human pregnancy, I didn't even know I was pregnant at first, I just thought I consumed some bad blood bags after feeling nauseous and vomiting started, then I thought I was under a bad spell after the vomiting and nausea continued several days. One of the heretics performed a spell to determine what is causing my ailment so Imagine how surprised we are to find out that I am actually pregnant not only one but two babies. Later we figured out that it was actually Alaric and His late wife's baby. Now both of them are dead which made me their mother nonetheless and sole parent. I thought by now I am enjoying college, making bad decisions about boys, experiencing hangovers but here I am in New Orleans, running for our lives with a boyfriend who is equally running for his life from a carzy ruthless hunter!

(Klaus POV)
After Caroline's explaining outburst, I realized how Her Life dramatically changed, She is still too young but somehow She is stronger from the last time I saw Her, considering all that she lost. Her parents, friends and now this huge responsibility of parenthood. I should pity Her but what I am feeling right now is feeling proud of how strong and resilient She is and the deep sense of protectiveness and possessiveness towards Her.

I asked Hayley to guide Caroline to Her room and nursery for the twins.
I went to pour myself a glass of much needed bourbon, Cami  asked me to pour one for her also. As I sit down to the couch, Cami sat beside me and give me a look.
Cami- She is the girl from Mystic Falls that you mentioned in your memoir, right? the girl you fancied?

Yes, she is the same girl. The situation is different, Cami. She was asking me to help Her and as Her friend whom She also helped once, I am returning the favor. Look, we had our differences but we are together now and Having Caroline around here have nothing to do with us. You have nothing to worry.

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