1. Help Me, Klaus

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It has been two weeks since Stefan run for His life with Valerie who offered to help Him, after Stefan came from New Orleans and got some herbs from Freya which cover the beacon signal fom the sword's wound to keep Reyna from tracking Him temporarily.

After Stefan came from NOLA which He got helped from Klaus, He went to Dallas to fetch Caroline, to run with Him but Caroline refused since She got attached to the twins and decided to stay with Alaric to help Him with the twins..

Caroline and Alaric just got back from the Pediatrician's clinic for the twins check up and vaccines. They just settled the twins to their cribs when Alaric heard a knock on the door. Upon opening the door, Alaric found a box few steps from Him so He decided to go out and check out the box when it suddenly explodes, throwing him far back from the explosion.

A vampire picked him up and tried to choke him, Alaric tried to fight Him off shouting to Caroline to get the twins and escape. While Alaric and the Vampire is in commotion, Caroline hurriedly picked up the twins, Her bag and the car key. She run going to the car but another Vampire blocked Her, asking for Her to hand over the twins. Caroline kicked Him in the shin and she rans towards the Car as fast as She could.

As she starts driving, Her last glimpsed of Alaric was killed by the Vampire by twisting His neck. The other Vampire is running towards them so Caroline suddenly hit the break thus making the vampire to stumble at the back hood of the car and shifting the car to reverse, She run over the Vampire then when She heard the thug, She accelerated going to the main road.

As the twins settled in their individual car seats, Caroline is trying to think on what she needs to do next. Thankful that Alaric is always leaving the car seats in the car for convenience and a baby bag in case of emergency. Inside the bag are some clothes, diaper, wipes, and bottles and milk.While driving Caroline opened her bag and reached for Her phone, calling Bonnie but the call went straight to voicemail. She dialled Damon's number but also went staright to voicemail.

She finally dialled Stefan. After five rings, Stefan answered.
S- Hello.
C- Stefan! it's me, Caroline, something happened! two vampires attacked us and trying to take away the twins, I was able to escape with the babies but they killed Alaric.
S- (in worried voice) Care, where are you now and the twins?
C- I'm driving and I dont know where to go, I called Bonnie and Damon but my call went straight to voice mail. What am I suppose to do? Where should we go?
S- There is only one person I know that will help and protect you. Klaus.
C- Okay, I will call Him now but what If He wont help us, you said that The Originals are at war right now with their sirelines. There is a chance that Klaus wont help us.
S- He will Care, why do you think He helped me after He already refused and threatened to kill me. He helped me after He answered your call in my phone. I know He will even move mountains for you.
C- I will call Him now. I will call you again after I talk to Him.
S- Please be careful and call me again. I love you, Care.
C- I love you too, bye.

(Caroline's POV)
After I talked to Stefan, The twins are both crying. I decided to park at the side of the road and reached for the baby bag, after feeding them both, the twins are asleep.
I started driving again and tried to call Bonnie and Damon's number but still went staright to voicemail.

The last time I talked to Klaus was two weeks ago, when I tried to call Stefan but He answered the call instead.
It has been almost two years since I talked to Him personally, telling Him my confession which leads to hot vampire- hybrid sex in the woods. Looking back, it is one of the hardest goodbye that I ever made in my life. The memory of our passionate kiss that leads to earth shattering sex which happened multiple times before He finally let me go.
He is right that I covered our connection with hostility and revulsion because I am scared of the truth. The truth that I have felt something for Him no matter how much I denied it myself, that learning the fact that He got Hailey pregnant shattered me.

If I am honest to myself, What happened between us was not just sex, it was more deep which bothered and haunted me for weeks afterwards. The same reason that I am hesitant to call Him now, a feeling that I can't place, a strange feeling that if I will call Him now, it will be a leap of faith that leads to destiny.

Finally gathering my guts,I dialled His number.

(Klaus POV)
Saying that We are all surprised to see Kol alive and back to His original body again would be an understatement.
After Davina left, We updated Kol of what Happened in our family, the threats from the sireline, my sireline being broken, Rebekah's predicament and the possible onslaught of my enemies from my broken sireline.

While Kol is trying to help with Freya for a spell that tracks my enemies that are plotting revenge against me and my entire family, my phone keeps ringing. I ignored it.
Kol- bloody hell Nik! answer your bloody phone! We can't concentrate here with that persistent ringing!

Looking at the screen, is the last name that I would expect to appear.
K- Hello, Love.
C- Klaus! Help Me please...
K- Caroline, What happened? where are you?
C- Some vampires are trying to take away the twins, they killed Ric! Im driving right now for almost an hour from Dallas and I dont know where to go.
K- I will see you in Atlanta, Georgia.. when you reach there, go staight to Atlanta Gateway Hangars Airport. I will call you as soon as my jet lands. Don't stop Caroline, just keep driving staright to the Airpot. I will be there waiting for you!
C- I will call you again once I enter the boundary of Atlanta and I will keep driving. Klaus, thank you.
K- See you sweetheart.

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