2. Dumbfounded revelation

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After Caroline's call, everyone stared at me which clearly indicates that they are eavesdropping. Elijah finally spoke. Niklaus, as much as I am touched of your heroic thoughts right now, it is not the time to extend help to anyone, not even Miss Forbes which I know that you still care for. We are still at war, with your enemies flocking around plotting your demise.

(Klaus POV)
I can't just let herself get killed and those babies. She asked for my help and I am helping her! This is not a request! I am telling you that right now helping her is the top of my to do list today! Im calling the crew to prepare the jet to take off an hour from now. Freya, you are coming with me! as soon as we have Caroline and the twins, I want you to do a cloaking spell to them since they are being chased. I want to keep them hidden until We figure out on who are trying to take away the twins. I have a feeling that it has something to do of the twins being the last direct descendants of Gemini covens and the fact that those twins are siphoners.

Kol, I want you to stay here brother, I know you want to spend most of your back from the dead time with that young witch girlfriend of yours right now, but this is not the right time. I implore you to stick with the family and help us fight this war and you and I will talk again. This is the time for you to show us and prove yourself worthy to be a part of this family and the promise of always and forever..

Kol- very well, Nik. I will be here when you get back from your rescue mission from your tasty little thing! ( in his full annoying smirk). I can't believe that even until now, that blond is still have you wrap around her little finger. Well, considering what happend in the woods that leave you both senseless of exhaustion after hours of humping marathon, I would say, things finally work out on your favor! It was indeed the most entertaining time of my life in the other side, being a cheer a leader definitely have its perks on how bendable she could be in those positions. ( Kol laughing )

Everybody is shocked to hear Kol's revelations of their sexual encounter of Caroline, even Elijah was speechless with his dumbfounded facial expression.

If you ever utter another word, Kol! it will be your last!
Freya, take whatever things you need to do the cloaking spell and We will be on our way to the tarmac, the jet is now ready and prepared to take us to Atalanta, Georgia where I will met Caroline and the twins.

Elijah, I want you to set up a meeting with Marcel while I am gone. Tell him that although having my enemies is no longer a threat to his life now that my sireline is broken, I am pretty sure He doesn't want His precious city become the battle ground. Tell him to have his strix team to be extra alert of new vampire faces or any supernatural new faces that might pop up in town starting today.

Kol, it is about time to make use of that little witch of yours, I want her to do another strong protection spell to this compound, although Freya made sure of the impenetrable cloaking spell, having done it by two powerful witches will render it more. If she will do this, I might try not to go after her after what she did to me. After all, She is responsible for breaking my sireline and let me say, your love for her won't stop me from killing her. However, if she will prove herself useful in defending and helping our family for your sake I might consider things let be by gones with her.

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