3. Finally in each others arms

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As soon as my private jet landed at the Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. Freya and I get off the plane. Freya set up and made preparation for the cloaking spell that she will perform as soon as Caroline and the twins arrive. Compelling the guard in the control tower so that Freya can set up in one of the rooms for the cloaking spell. I dialled Caroline's number and after few rings, she picked up. I felt relieved when I heard Her voice.

C- Hello Klaus.
K- Where are you now, love? We are already here in Gateway Aiport.
C- Just a few miles and We will be entering the Atlanta boarder.
K- Good, as soon as you arrive here, Freya will perform a cloaking spell for you and the twins.
C- Thank you, just few miles and We will be there.
K- I'm waiting for you at the main door of the control tower, love.
C- Okay, see you, Klaus.

( Caroline's POV )
After hours of  straight driving from Dallas to Atlanta, finally feel a little relief, knowing that We are finally be safe soon on whoever is trying to take away the twins, realization started to sink in that Alaric is dead, making me the sole person responsible for the twins. When I was  a human, I always dream of getting married, having kids and living in a house with a white picket fence. Those dream was taken away as soon as I was turned into a vampire, being pregnant with magically transferred baby was far from any possibility. Hell, I am pretty sure that I am probably the only vampire who got experience pregnancy, magically transferred babies or what not. The plan when I told stefan of the pregnancy was to travel and start a life away from mystic falls as soon as I deliver the babies, but the moment i laid eyes on them, a part of me can no longer let them go although they are technically Jo's and Alaric'. Remembering what Klaus told me, that it is not a sin to love what you cannot explain, definitively adds to my realization that I wanted to be around with the babies more than anything.

When Ric's mentioned that He is moving to Dallas with the twins, I automatically offered to go and help Him get settled until Stefan can fetch me to be with Him and run from Reyna while We figure out to end her and the phonix sword curse.
When Stefan finally showed up in Ric's front door after He got help from Klaus with Freya's herbs to fetch me, I found mysef at lost, turn between choosing to run with the love of my life or the babies that I unconditionally fell in love with. When Stefan Said that it is time to go, I found myself rooted to the door and unable to speak. I know He understood that I can't just leave the twins as planned, apart of him is disappointed of me. He knew that it's hard for me, so He made the decision for us, telling me that it would be for the best if I will stay with the babies while He, Damon and Bonnie can find a way to end Reyna.  A part of me felt that in that particular moment, a different course was set for us.

Finally parked the car near the control tower, Klaus appeared beside the car in seconds, I quickly opened the door and clung myself to Him. I feel so safe in His arms, all the tension, worries and exhaustion that I feel finally overwhelmed me that I found myself sobbing uncontrollably in His arms.
He hugs me tightly, rubbing my back and telling me in soothing voice, Shhh! you are safe now, sweetheart. no one will hurt you now and the twins. I'm here now, stop crying.
After I composed myself, Klaus and I hurriedly picked up the twins, car seats and other belongings and went inside into one of the rooms of the contol tower where Freya is waiting for us.

After Freya performed the cloaking spell, Klaus took us to the hangar where his private plane is waiting to take us to New Orleans, as We boarded the plane, I finally took a huge sigh of relief.

( Klaus POV )

Seeing Caroline again is something that I never anticipated to happen so soon after our last passionate encounter in the woods of Mystic falls almost 2 years ago, after keeping my promise to leave and never come back again. It was the hardest unselfish decision I've made in a thousand years, well, not entirely selfish, considering what happened between us in return of that promise. Still, it was not easy to walk away after the deep passion we shared, her taste and smell still lingering on me as I walked away.
Now seeing Her again although  She looks disheveled, She is still beautifully breathtaking, having Her in my arms brings back those memories that haunted me.

After finally boarded and settled on our seats in the plane, She told Me and Freya what happened, she was slightly trembling as she narrated it to us, I lift the armrest between our seats and hug her, as I felt her nuzzling my neck, I feel myself getting aroused that I have to pull her away from the hug unexpectedly which earned a confused look from Her. It surprised me, that although under the circumstances my immediate arousal in her close presence caught me totally off guard, all these years and the attraction and connection that I felt for her is still there, I thought I have moved on, I am with Cami now, but having Her again  so close definitely stirs feelings again. I have more complicated women in my life right now but having Caroline this close once again will definitely complicates things more, things be damned but I will never loose this opportunity to be with her again.

The twins started crying,  Caroline and I give them their bottles, help her in changing their diapers. After burping them and returning them to the car seats, they go back to sleep. Caroline looks exhausted, I asked her if She is hungry so that I could ask the crew to prepare something for her but She declined saying She is just tired. I asked the attendant instead to give us some bourbon, after she took her drink, I told her to take a nap before She collapse of exhaustion. She fell asleep right away, nudging Her head to lean on my shoulder. I can't stop mysely from staring Her sleeping form, looking at her long thick lashes and her beautiful lips that are slightly opened. Freya give me a knowing look as I glimpsed at Her in the opposite row. I exhaled deeply and close my eyes also, contemplating of what might happen ahead of us.

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