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°˖✧♥︎✧˖° / drop-zone

SENSATION°˖✧♥︎✧˖° / drop-zone══════════════════

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📍| Mount Justice.
June 22nd.

    "Isla Santa Prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neo-steroid. A strength-enhancing drug, sold under the street name Venom. Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity... but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert, recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones." Batman explains to the teens as they listen to him go over their next mission.

A sudden interruption slices through the air as Wally, embodying the impulsive spirit that defines him, throws a question into the somber atmosphere. "So who's in charge?" he queries, directing Batman's gaze towards Red Tornado, who, in turn, offers no clear answer. Batman, perhaps relishing the prospect of fostering teamwork and leadership within the budding heroes, turns back to the group. "Work that out between you," he declares, leaving the responsibility of leadership dangling in the air like a delicate, unclaimed mantle.


📍| Isla Santa Prisca.
June 22nd. [8:02 PM]

"Are you okay?" Robin inquires, pulling Amanda from her thoughts. A look of concern etches his face, trying to decipher the emotions hidden beneath her usual smile. Lost in contemplation about the upcoming mission, Amanda responds with a delayed, "Huh?" before quickly flashing her trademark grin at him.

Repeating the question, Robin chuckles this time, attempting to lighten the mood that seemed to weigh on her. "Just a little nervous, this is my first actual hero mission," she admits, her anxiety, dread, and excitement intermingling as she settles into her seat.

Encouragement emanates from Robin as he reassures her, "You'll be fine. If you fight like how you fought when we first met, you'll be fine." His comforting hand rests on her back, a gesture to alleviate the pressure she feels.

Attempting to elaborate on her mixed emotions, Amanda starts, "Don't get me wrong, I'm juiced about the mission, but—" Her explanation is interrupted by M'gann, who announces, "We're approaching Santa Prisca," causing Amanda to instinctively tighten and adjust her boots, preparing for what lies ahead.

Attempting to elaborate on her mixed emotions, Amanda starts, "Don't get me wrong, I'm juiced about the mission, but—" Her explanation is interrupted by M'gann, who announces, "We're approaching Santa Prisca," causing Amanda to instinctively tight...

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