26. Heaven Tonight

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck!?" Alan was the first one to run to him as we followed him.

"We have to take him to a hospital!" Tom added, clearly scared.

"What's the nearest hospital?" I asked this time.

"Th- the... uhhmmm... the Cedars-Sinai! Let's take him there!" Adrien added this time, and we all got in Alan's car, as we didn't take so much time because luckily there was no traffic.

In our way to the hospital we learned that Zack got into a fight in a restaurant with some dudes, apparently because those guys started to make rude comments about something that he didn't want to tell us and ended up beating the shit out of them, but also ended up with a cut on his forehead because of this.

We were rushed to E.R. where Andrea was the one who started to fill the papers while Alan talked to the doctors as we soon were aware that Zack was going to be fine, but he needed stitches. The rest of us stayed in the hospital's waiting room talking about random things but soon I found myself very sleepy as it wasn't even 10 am yet and I stayed up very late the previous night, so I decided to go outside and light a cigarette.

With every puff I gave to my cigarette I was feeling less sleepy, but not enough as I needed to be, so I thought about grabbing a coffee after the cigarette, but someone else made it happen before.

"Seems you need this" He told me as I looked at him with a weird expression, but he just gave me a warm smile and a disposable cup with hot coffee in it.

"Kurt...How...?" I asked, clearly confused and he just laughed a little at my reaction.

"Courtney gave birth to our child a few hours ago" He said with a smile.

"Really!? Congratulations!!!" I said extremely happy and hugging him. "And...?" I asked with curiosity.

"It's a girl" He told me proudly.

"This is so fucking cool!" I told him, without hiding my excitement.

"Yes... it is but... it's also terrifying you know?" He answered me with a small change in his voice and lighting a cigarette.

"Well... sure it is but... it's also everything! I mean... you're a father now Kurt. It's not going to be easy, but that's the point" I told him.

"Wow... you sound very mature now" He told me in a serious way but I just laughed.

"If you say so... Anyways, how did you know I needed coffee?" I answered, giving a sip to my coffee.

"I saw Adrien and Thom in the waiting room and they told me about Zack's incident. When I asked for you, Adrien told me you were here smoking, trying to maintained yourself awake and I remembered how you used your combo coffee + cigarette to wake up, so I decided to grab a coffee for you and... here we are" He told me smiling and lighting a cigarette.

"Well... thank you" I told him raising my cup and drinking again "By the way... What happened to your hair?" I asked as I noticed it was shorter.

"Just a small makeover... you don't like it?"

"No, it's ok... you look like a modern Beatle" I told him and we both laughed, until he went serious.

"Uhhmmm... Lily... I need to... I need to tell you something"


"I want to uhhmmm, apologize for the things I said in Rolling Stone. I know that we had our history but uhhmm... I should've asked you first and... I also want to apologize to Eddie for what I said about his band" He told me, clearly ashamed.

"Alright, I accept your apologies... plus, that was almost 6 months ago, nobody remembers that (I wished). As for Eddie... you'll have to tell him by yourself" I told him and he looked at me with a half-smile.

"So... are we good?"

"Did you apologize to Courtney?" I asked this time.


"Alright then, we're good" I said and we both smiled.

Our cigarettes and my coffee finished, and that's when he asked me if I wanted to meet his daughter and I accepted immediately as we both got into the hospital again, until we reached the nursery wing.

"She's the one that it's already moving" He told me, excited.

"Oh my god Kurt!!!!! She's so gorgeous!" I said to him and a nurse noticed us, taking her and going closer to the large window where we could see her better.

"Hey..." He said softly and calling her.

"She looks like Courtney... she's beautiful" I said with all the honesty without taking my eyes off of this precious babe and he just looked at me.

"Talking about Courtney... Do you want to see her?" He asked me and now I looked at him.

"I- I... yes, I would like to but... she's probably very tired and... let's be honest, I'm the last person she would like to see right now... I don't want to upset her more than I already do" I said, looking at the floor.

"I don't... I don't think she's gonna get angry but... you have a point" Kurt told me and smiled at me.

"Have you thought of any name?"

"No... we haven't"

"Well, she's gorgeous like her mom, so any name will suit her"

"Hey... What about me? She's beautiful because of me too" He told me pretending to be offended and I chuckled.

"Alright, she has your eyes" I said and he smiled.

"That's enough" He laughed.

"Anyways, I'm off because I have to return to the others. Congratulations to you and Courtney, you made a beautiful baby... and Kurt, be nice to them... you have two wonderful women in your life now... take care of them and love them... that's all you need" I said, giving him a hug.

"I will, thank you Lily... and good luck in Lollapalooza"

"Thank you! See ya'" I said and walked away.

Soon after I left the place, Courtney appeared next to Kurt, who was surprised, as she told him she left the bed to go see the baby, but she stopped when she saw him talking with me, the last person she expected to see that morning and confessed to overheard our conversation, but that helped her to change a little her perspective.

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