1. LA to the Moon

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I was very tired from the previous night, but I had to get out of bed no matter what. I looked at the left side of the bed and I saw it empty, so I figured he went out for a walk or something. I finally got up, but before I could leave the bedroom he went in.

"Hey..." He said softly and approached to me to give me a kiss.

"Good morning" I said, smiling.

He smiled back and looked at me with those bright blue eyes "It's more like noon" 

"What?" I asked confused and he just laughed at me.

"Someone's been sleeping a little too much" He answered while hugging me and I just rolled my eyes.

Eddie and I decided to get lost for the weekend because that was kind of our life by now... but not always was like that... and that specific rainy morning we both started to remember how everything began back then.

*                 *              *

It was unusually pouring in L.A. that afternoon when I caught myself looking through the window... kinda worried because of my future and my life, until my modern art teacher brought me back to reality.

"Miss Waldorf?" She called softly.

"Hello, Mrs. Brown" I said smiling a little.

"What are you still doing here? It's almost 5 p.m."

"The rain just trapped me here... my car is at the shop"

"I see... by the way, have you decided where are you going to attend? Remember the applications close on Friday and it's already Wednesday" She said and I let out a heavy sight.

"I still don't know to be honest, but I will make a decision tonight" I said, as both noticed the rain had stopped.

"Well, think carefully and don't get too stressed about it"

"I will, thanks Mrs. Brown"

"See you tomorrow" She said and I left my place to go outside.

It was February 1989 and I was studying my last semester of Art History in UCLA; as a last semester student with good grades I was given the chance to finish it in any other university of the country, a situation that had me a little bit stressed since I haven't decided yet. I wanted to get out fo L.A. and despite my big love for the city, I needed a change anytime soon.

To be honest I missed the waves and the sun of my hometown Anaheim, where I could go and surf for hours with nothing else on my mind but the sea in front of me; now the story was a little bit different since I started college and I left my heart and family back there, but I couldn't just go back or stay in the same place forever, and so all these thoughts in my head had me so worried about it... but that day, just  when I arrived to my little depressing apartment a voice message among some others, appeared in my answer machine, giving me an idea of what should I do.

"Heeeey Lily, we just got your letter this morning and Andy had the incredible idea to ask one of our friends about the degrees in the University of Washington and we just found out you can study here! Wouldn't it be great?  We can hang out like in the old days... Well, let us know when you hear this"

I  smiled as soon as the message ended and considered their idea; Adrien Halliwell (the one talking in the voicemail) is a guy from Anaheim living in Washington, who attended high school  with me and one of my best friends, while Andrew Andy  Wood it's like my big brother, whom I met in a summer camp during our teenage years, and both of them were roommates in Seattle. We all three had the most stupid but exciting adventures and misadventures together with a strong friendship that has grown through the years, so they were aware about my life since always as I was aware of theirs.

That night I didn't call them, because I wanted to be sure about the University of Washington, but luckily the next day my application was ready within some minutes and ultimately sent by the principal's office; I waited the whole weekend and finally on Monday, I received my authorization from UW to start my last semester next month, so I was ready to tell the news to the boys and my family.

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