16. The Only Ones Who Know

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Tuesday October 22nd, 1990.

"Ready?" I asked as I made my way to the kitchen.

"I guess..."

"You don't have anything to worry about. They're gonna love you... you're a terrific band"

"Thank you, Lily... Lillian" Eddie answered clumsily.

"Whatever name is alright" I said smiling while I felt my cheeks burning a little.

"Lillian then... well, sometimes Lily" He said, smiling.

"We got up early today huh?" Mike added, walking into the kitchen.

"How are you today?"

"Nervous but confident" He answered me with a good mood.

"That's what I'm talking about... you're gonna be fine"

"You'll go right? Or do you have some other meeting?"

"You know I wouldn't miss this" I said, giving him a wink and a smile.

"Well... What do you say if you two help me making some breakfast?" He said, looking at me and Eddie.

"Which is...?" Eddie asked him.

"Pancakes" Mike answered smiling.

"Alright, I'm in" Eddie answered and left his spot.

"With blueberries?" I asked this time.

"With anything you want, madame" Eddie answered with that well-known smile that framed his perfect cheekbones and I just blushed, but tried to managed it by smiling too and turning my gaze to other direction.

I joined them and we started to bake, mix and chat about random things. I felt nice around Eddie, but he also made me feel nervous; however, he taught us how to make the best pancakes and pleased me by using blueberries in mines.

That night it was the solo debut of Mookie Blaylock at the Off Ramp, a well-known café of Seattle equally famous for its rock scene as for its excellent food and coffee; the place was rather small in comparison with other places but it was perfect for a new band so the crowd could feel familiar with them.

I could notice that even Stone was a little bit nervous, but I knew they all were going to make it great because they were such amazing and talented musicians. After breakfast I went to the café, since I was still working part time there to earn a little bit of money for any emergency or other stuff for the band.

That day I left a little bit earlier since the gig was going to start at 8:00 pm and I promised to the guys that I would take some photos; I invited Stella because I knew she had a huge crush on Jerry and he felt the same way about her, and I heard from Layne that they were going to attend that night.

Once I got home, I took a quick shower and started with my usual light makeup, that consisted in my signature discreet cat eyeliner, mascara and a little bit of natural foundation. For the occasion, I decided to wear a pair of black jeans with a black t-shirt, my brown boots and, since it was a chilly night, my corduroy brown jacket; I wore my hair down as usual, took my camera, wallet, cigarettes and left the apartment.

When I arrived, I noticed that the place wasn't too crowded, but again, it was just Tuesday and those days were a little bit low in every place; I greeted happily Mike, Sean, and Layne, who seemed to be very glad to see me. I also greeted Susan and Chris, who told me they were waiting a little bit to begin.

I Will Be There Once More (Eddie Vedder fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें