20. Just Like Heaven

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WARNING: Towards the end of this chapter there's some subtle  explicit content.

While in France, I'd telephone Eddie everyday, and also to Chris, who was helping me writing music for the Cameron Crowe film in the distance. When the album was finished, we were pleased with the final sound and we couldn't wait to get back to the US so it could be released.

Though that wasn't going to happen until several months late.

Atlantic Records received us with an appointment the day after we arrived to Seattle, and they informed us about a new deal that was going to benefit everyone. They told us that they were going to release the album until September or early October, since they were going to release a reissue of our EP because eventually became a success in the US; at hearing this, naturally we got angry and refused the deal, but then they told us the second part of it, which consisted in us having the total control over the album.

This meant that we were free to choose the list of songs for the album, the cover art and the singles that were going to be released. The four of us thought about it because we weren't sure, but Alan told us it was a good deal, as well as Susan, who went with us to the meeting.

With the re-issue we were going to start a small tour in the country, this, so the people would meet us better and by the time the album was released, our fan base would be bigger and we would have good sales. Marketing strategy according to them, Susan and Alan, so we accepted and the tour was going to start in April, the same day of the reissue.

With this level of stress and frustration, it was obvious that I needed a break, and at home the guys were very supportive with me, as well as they confessed they already knew about me and Eddie, but surprisingly neither Stone or Mike made jokes about it, as they told me it was just a matter of time and that they were happy for the both of us because we were meant for each other (in the cheesy words of Jeff).

With nothing to hide, Eddie and I headed to California on a Friday night, and during the flight, that lasted about two hours, we talked about many things among some facts we didn't know about each other; there I learned that Eddie used to appear in a couple of commercials as a kid, something that I thought as cute, but he was kind of embarrassed by it.

"Don't look at me like that" He said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Like what?" I said, already laughing.

"I shouldn't tell you anything" He answered, chuckling.

"Awww come on... I'm not making fun of you... I'm laughing with you" I said as he lowered his gaze, still laughing.


"Plus... it makes totally sense. You're a very handsome dude, I bet you were a cute kid right for modelling" I said and saw how he started to blush.

"Well yeah... I think you're right... thanks for the compliment by the way"

"Anytime" I answered winking at him.

We continue chatting until we landed; we stayed at the hotel he previously worked in, La Valencia, and introduced me happily as his girlfriend to the staff who worked there and were his friends, while I just greeted shyly as I felt a little bit awkward, because we never stated a formal relationship status until that moment.

We ate our dinner in the restaurant and then we went to our room, which happened to be a suite with a nice view of the beach; I went to the balcony where I took a seat and just enjoyed the sound of the waves, with the full moon illuminating the sea and the fresh breeze touching my face.

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