12. Better man

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In the middle of the tour, exactly when we were in Frankfurt, I received a call from Stone.


"Lily... Hi" I heard his voice and I panicked because that's how we started talking the last time.

"Did something happen? You have to tell me Stone"

"What? No, no... calm down, everything's ok" He said, and I let out a heavy sigh in relief.

"Then what is it? Oh, you've been missing me terribly don't you? I'm sorry Stone, but we're just friends" I said and we both laughed.

"Wow, you can always try a career in comedy, Lillian... fucking stupid" He answered, and we laughed again. "The things is... you know that The temple of the dog project is going to be a short-lived one right?"


"So... You have Spencer, and Chris has Soundgarden so... I was thinking in making a new band with Mike, Jeff and myself..."

"That sounds great Stone! I totally agree"

"Thanks... uhhmm... but, I want to know if you're ok if I use some of the music we wrote together for this new project I have in mind? Of course, you'll be credit on the work" For the first time I heard him nervous.

"Sure... use it"

"Really? Or... are you teasing me?"

"Not when it comes to music"

"Thanks Lily"

"It's ok, that's what friends are for" I said, and I heard his chuckle. "But... who's gonna sing? You?"

"Oh no... I mean, I know you hate me but come on" He said, and we laughed "actually we're looking for a singer... we'll have auditions soon. I hope you're here when that happens so you can help us"

"Perfect then, we'll be returning in October... the label offered more dates"

"Wow... that's excellent! Congrats" He said excited.


"Anyways... uhhmm Lily, just one more thing"

"What is it?"

"Can I use the instrumental piece that we created inspired on your letter?"

"Which letter?"

"Robert's letter in July..."

"Right! Oh god I totally forgot about it... yes, you can use the music even the letter for inspiration!"

"Are you... is this a joke?"

"Actually no... I believe sometimes we need more than just the memory to work in lyrics and if my letter's gonna help you then use it"

"Wow... thanks, you're so weird" We laughed again. "So... Jack is here but he travels to California tomorrow and I'll give him some demo tapes that you and I recorded... Can I give him the letter too? He says he knows a friend who sings amazing and writes good lyrics"

"Go ahead, give him the letter and the material needed. It's ok Stone, you have my permission"

"Okay then. Thank you, Lily. We actually miss you... well, the rest of the guys, specially Chris, not me"

"I miss you too Stone. Say hi to the guys from me and send my greetings to Jack"

"I will. See ya"

"See ya"

As I said to Stone, he did give the demo tapes and Robert's letter to Jack Irons, a good friend of us and talented musician who used to be the drummer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, another amazing band from L.A.

I Will Be There Once More (Eddie Vedder fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora