21. Singles

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"It was not like we didn't see that coming because there were some rumours before, but it was a big surprise that day when they appeared officially as a couple on the red carpet. They looked like an unusual match because, we know Lily has always have this vintage elegant aesthetic and Eddie was just embracing his own style... but at the same time they looked so good and cute together because you could see their genuine love; they always were perfect for each other and they definitely became an important element for the rock scene and the pop culture".

Kurt Loder on Music History and Pop Culture [Documentary, 2013]

Two weeks before the filming began, Matt Dillon started to hang out with the guys a little bit since he wanted to know more about the music scene of the city; none of us known at the moment that this would later become the annoying label called "Seattle sound". Chris and I wrote a couple of songs for the fictitious band that they called "Citizen Dick" as well as it was planned to film a gig of AIC in the Desoto.

When the filming started in early March I would visit the set every day, that partly was filmed in the apartment of some building; I met this cool actors and actresses who let me take their photos on set without a problem, and Matt and Bridget told me they liked Spencer and that they were waiting for the reissue.

For a shy person like me, I was doing pretty good interacting with other people that I didn't know, something that Eddie was still dealing with. One morning, Cameron and I started to talk about the photos and the songs that he really liked and, in the conversation, he told me that Eddie was painfully shy  but very nice to be around with.

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As we continue chatting I ended up confessing to Cameron that Eddie was my boyfriend, something that he found fascinating and insisted that I should make a cameo as the girlfriend of Eddie's character in the movie; I laughed at the idea, but I had to decline again, because that was too much of art imitates life  and nobody was supposed to know about our relationship, not even in a fictitious way.

Within the days, I received an invitation to go out on a date from Eric Stoltz, who had a small part in the movie, but I kindly decline by saying in a nice way that I couldn't because my schedule was tight and also, because I was dating somebody.

As the scenes with the guys were just a few, they left the filming earlier, but were invited to visit the set whenever they wanted; on the other hand, as I was in charge of the photographs I was going to remain until the end. The last day the guys were on set, Cameron was having a rough time deciding Chris' cameo in the movie, although Soundgarden's gig was already filmed.

"I can appear on my own" Chris suggested for the small part.

"Yeah... I guess that could be possible, though the whole idea would be missed"

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