Story 14: It's My Doing

Start from the beginning

Tears began to build up in my eyes. I couldn't handle the sight anymore that I ran out of the house and back to my car.

"LISA, WAIT!!!!" I heard Jungkook yell.

I was already long gone when he was about to approach my car.


What have I done.

"LISA, WAIT!!!!" I yelled at her.

She already left the hill and was leaving the neighborhood. I needed to get to her and try to explain things, so I took the woman's car and went after her.

"Hey, Jungkook, what are you doing with my car," she asked.

"I'm going after my girlfriend, don't ever call me again, Victoria," and then I drove off.

When I got back to the house, I saw the door open and a suitcase outside of the front porch. Once I got out of the vehicle, Lisa left the house and carried her luggage with her.

"Where are you goi~

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" she yelled.

"Please Lisa, let me tal~


"What, no, that's not what happened," I replied.

"Then what, where you doing at her house," she said.

"I~ I was, Lisa, please."

"See, even you don't believe yourself," Lisa yelled.

After that, she just pushed me away and put her luggage in her car.

"Please don't leave me," I said.

"Goodbye, Jungkook. Hope you're happy with her," is the last thing she said before driving away.

I'm not letting you get away. I got into my vehicle and chased her down. She headed for the highway, and while following her, I could see from her rearview mirror that tears were forming from her eyes. I guess she noticed me and when she looked out her window and recognized my car. That when her car started to drift right, it ended up crashing into one of the vehicles.

"LISA NO!!!" I yelled.

The cars stopped slowing down the flow of traffic. I got out of my car and ran over to the vehicle. There, found her body and pulled her out of the wreck. Lisa was covered in blood and scared up. She wasn't breathing, which scared me.

"NO, DON'T DIE ON ME!!!" I yelled out.

I pulled out my phone and called the ambulance to come to send her. Once the first responders arrived, they took her to the vehicle, and I followed them with her. Once we got to the hospital, they brought her to the operating table. All I could do is wait and hope for the best of her. Hours and hours pass by, and still nothing. I'm praying that she is okay.

"I'm so sorry, Lisa," I whispered to myself.

Little tears formed in my eyes; I knew that all of this was caused by me. It's my own doing. Finally, after a while, the doctors come back to the waiting area.

"Is she okay doc," I asked?

"Jungkook, I'm sorry," the doctor replied.

What no.

"Lisa didn't make it; her body lost too much blood, and we tried to resuscitate her, but we weren't getting a pulse; I'm so sorry for your loss."

At this point, I ended up crying in the room, and the doctor came up to me and comforted me.

"You may see her one last time before we put her body in our morgue," the doctor said.

I slowly walked over to the operating room and looked at her body once more.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled in tears.

After that, the doctors covered her up and brought her someplace else.

"We'll get in touch with her parents and let them know about the situation," the doctor said. "Do you want to tell her friends?"

"Yeah, I'll contact them," I replied.



Jungkook: Hey Rosé, Lisa died in a car crash today

Rosé: Wait, what!! When did this happen

Jungkook: Just a few hours ago

Rosé: Oh

Jungkook: I knew Lisa was a dear friend of yours, that's why I contacted you first

Rosé: Yeah, thank you

Jungkook: Are you going to be okay

Rosé: I'm going to be okay, by Jungkook

Jungkook: Alright, bye


I wish I could be happy, I wish everything would change. 

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