Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, Lena dared on more look at her mate and said softly, "Thanks for the ride Beta Stillwater". She could not bring herself to say his name aloud.

Before she was able to duck out of the car, her mate spoke to her for the first time, "Rune. My name is Rune".

Hearing his voice almost undid her. She found herself leaning towards him as he spoke. He had only said five words to her but she was already addicted to his earthy and rich voice. Lena had to hold back a sigh.

Goddess help her.

She was not sure what to respond so she gave her mate a tight smile and nod before she turned her gaze to Elijah. He had the nerve to have a smug grin resting on his face.

Lena was satisfied to see that his smirk waver when she said "Tell your uncle I quit"

She then quickly exited the car before Elijah had time to respond. She did not dare look at Rune as she left, but she could have sworn that he had tensed when she had said she was quitting. She must have imagined it.

Her building was old and only had one working elevator. The lobby lights flickered as Lena impatiently waited for the elevator. She reflected on the brief moment she had had with her mate. Even though they barely She was still deep in thought when the hairs on the back of her neck stiffened and the scent of cedarwood and pine filled the lobby.

"What do you mean you are quitting?" demanded Rune as he stormed into the lobby.

Lena mouth fell open. He was angry. It was impossible for him to know that they were mates. To him she should just appear like any other rouge wolf. Unimportant. There was no logical reason for him to be so upset.

He must have seen the confusion painted on her face as he slowed his stride a couple feet away from her. His gaze continued to burn with anger as he said "You got here less than a week ago. Dean really had to fight to get you that work permit and this is how you are going repay him?"

Lena deflated a little. Of course he is not upset that she is leaving. He is only cares that she is inconveniencing his Alpha's brother.

The elevator arrived in the lobby and saved her from having to respond. Lena quickly stepped onto the elevator and hit the button for her floor. She was going to have to drink herself into oblivion if she ever wanted to recover from this disastrous night.

To her absolute horror, Rune followed her and stepped onto the elevator just before the door closed.

She was trapped.

"Really?" demanded Rune as he glared down at her, "Running away? Grow up."

Lena bit her lip to hold back a retort. Even though Rune was hot as sin and she did not like the attitude that he was rocking at the moment.

Her mate was being a bit of a jerk.

Lena smiled. This was familiar territory. Decades of bartending experience had made her an expert in handing self-righteous jerks with superiority complexes.

She raised an eyebrow and smirked, "I don't make it a habit of explaining my comings-and-goings to my taxi drivers"

Rune bristled. He obviously did not expect that response. Lena braced herself for his anger, but instead of shouting at her, he let out a low chuckle.

"You do know that I am the Beta of the Stillwater Pack right?" said Rune casually, all the anger slowly vanishing from his voice, "Visiting rouges are usually little bit nicer to me".

"Of course I know who and what you are" replied Lena, "I just don't really care".

Rune laughed again and Lena had to fight back a smile. She liked the sound of his laugh.

The elevator arrived on her floor and the doors opened. Rune tilted his head to the side and mused "Are you always this charming?"

"That's a little rich coming from you buddy" Lena laughed. She then grimaced and did her best impression of his voice and said "Grow up."

Lena stepped off the elevator and was surprised to find that Rune followed after her. She looked up to him and raised her eyebrow "Should I be worried that you are stalking me?"

"I am just a concerned citizen. Eli told me you puked at the bar. What kind of Beta would I be if I abandoned a sick and defenseless rouge?" said Rune. His voice sounded serious but when Lena sneaked a glance at him, his eyes were dancing with laughter.

She was going to strangle Elijah the next time she saw him.

She rolled her eyes, "Who are you? The friendly neighbourhood lyc-"

Lena came to an abrupt halt in front of her apartment door. It was open. Someone had broken into her apartment. 

Sooooo what doe everyone think of Rune so far?? Vote and Comment!

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