Chapter 18 Jackson

Start from the beginning

As I reach the gas station the tiny bell rings, informing the workers a customer has entered. I approach the skinny cashier. "Pack of Marlboro," I say sliding my fake ID and a 20 towards him.

"Here ya go," he says after looking at the fake ID. I take the change and ID back with my bloody hand and turn to leave.

"Jackson?" An angles voice asks. I snap my head in her direction and take a long breath in.

"Blondie?" I ask, my voice sounding lost. She's wearing a grey skirt with a pale pink crop top, and an off white cardigan. Her hair is a mess, but her eyes still blue as ever.

"What are you doing here?" She asks and I flash her my smokes. Her face turns to worry.

"Your hand... Are you okay?" She asks rushing towards me. I nod and she pulls my hand close to her face.

"Why are you here?" I ask and she shows me some candy she bought in a sack.

"My dad wants to watch a movie later so, I walked here to buy some snacks." I nod as she smiles before turning back to my hand. "What happened?" She asks, examining the deep cuts.

"I got mad," I answer shortly.

"C'mon let's go clean you up," she tells me and drags me out the door. "Where is your car?" Her tiny voice asks and I point at my Volvo.

"I knew you had a nice car," she says running her finger along the side of my Volvo. I nod slightly before hopping into the driver's seat.

The engine roars loudly as I turn to her for directions. "My house, take a left," she says with her soft voice.

A couple of minutes later we make it to her house. It's a small house. The grass is overgrown and a window is cracked.

Blondie twists the door open and lets me in. The living room and kitchen are both in the same space. It smells woodsy as if a tree is planted in the middle of the room.

A man with fading brown hair is sat in a recliner and another man with red hair on the sofa. Blondie shuts the door behind me and clears her throat. The men turn their heads to us.

"Dad, Fred, this is Jackson. Jackson this is my dad and Fred," she says with her tiny voice. I nod my head at them awkwardly. "He doesn't talk much," she reassures them and sets the bag in her hands on the counter.

"Hello Jackson, I'm Nadia's dad." The man with the brown hair and slight beard says. "There are beers on the table if you want one," he adds at the end.

Fred waves at me before turning back to whatever they are watching. Blondie pulls on my jeans jacket for me to follow her.

She leads me up the tight staircase and into the first door on the right. I'm assuming it's her room. The walls are white and the carpet is cream-colored. The twin size bed has a dark pink comforter.

She shuts the door behind me and pats the bed for me to sit. "I've had this bed and blanket for a long time. That's why it's pink," she explains with reddening cheeks. I can tell she's embarrassed, but I'd never judge. I've lived in way worse conditions.

Blondie slides open her closet and rummages through bins. She comes back with rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and bandaids. I raise my brow slightly as she sits in the bed beside me and unscrews the cap off.

She takes her bottom lip between her teeth and furrows her brow while examining my hands. "What did you punch?"

"Wall and picture," I answer shortly. She drenches the cotton ball in alcohol and gets to work. Blondie dabs my knuckles gently, waiting for me to hiss in pain. But I don't. Shit like this doesn't phase me.

"What happened?" She asks with her soft voice. Should I tell her?

"Nothing," I lie. I don't want anyone to know. We moved here for a reason.

"It doesn't look like nothing.. I'm worried you'll have to get stitches. You must have got cut at an angle," she explains wary.

After cleaning my cuts, she places bandaids on them like last time. "Does it hurt?" She asks looking into my eyes. Her lips are slightly parted and her hair dangles in her face.

I shake my head no. And she smiles. "Be careful next time." She wipes her hands on her skirt before turning to me again. "Do you want to stay a little longer?" She asks quietly, but I could hear.

I shrug, "Only if you want me to." I can tell she wants me to stay. And her company is nice, I guess.

"Of course I do. We could watch a movie or, something," she says pointing to her tiny TV. I nod and she grabs the remote beside her.

Blondie picked out a Disney princess movie. I think I've watched this with Charlie before. It's Aladdin.

Blondie lays down beside me and pats next to her for me to lay as well. My tall frame almost leaves my feet off the bed. Blondie's arm touches mine and leaves electricity throughout my body.

"Why were you mad?" She asks cautiously. Her body curls up next up to me and makes it hard for me to lie.

"Mom betrayed me," I answer shortly. It wasn't a lie. I feel extremely betrayed. I can still feel like anger inside me.

"I'm sorry Jackson. I don't know what she did exactly, but I know you must be hurt," Blondie says sincerely and I just awkwardly nod.

A moment passes by of spacing out while she watches the movie. I study her facial expressions as she stares intently at the screen. Her loud laughter fills the room and my lip twitches.

She makes me feel better. For a second I almost forgot about what happened today. She's so soft and delicate I couldn't imagine anyone not liking her.

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