Chapter 9 Jackson

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My eyes automatically go to the blonde on the bleachers. I saw her leave her table after that asshole said something about Aurelio. I wonder why that triggered her.

I shrug and follow the group. They stop on the 20 that's painted onto the grass. I lit a cigarette as soon as we exited the school. Some of the boys looked at me like I was crazy, but some just laughed.

"We're all going to the party this weekend?" Liam asks. There's probably 10 of them and then just me.

"Of course we're going!" Sam shouts punching Liam in the arm. Liam then shoves Sam in a friendly manner. If someone punched me anywhere they would be off the ground.

"You coming?" Luke asks me and all the boys turn towards me. I shrug taking a hit from my smoke. "You should, hell I'll pick you up," he continues.

"When?" I ask. Booze does sound good, but I don't know if I could handle all these assholes for that long.

"Friday," he tells me adjusting his jersey. I don't even know why I sat with them. Luke spotted me walking passed the cafeteria and told me to sit with them. So, I just nodded and sat with them.

I nod as an okay and Luke grins widely. "Okay, where do you live?" He asks me. "Matter of fact just text it me because I'll forget."

I nod again as he passes me his phone. I punch in the numbers on his large phone and add my name as a contact. Jackson Peter.

The rest of the lunch I smoke and listen in on their dumbass conversations. Sam tried to talk to me a couple of times and I just answered with one word.
It's advisory now. The last couple of periods were boring as hell. I tuned out most of it. But now something inside me feels different because I have the blonde in my class.

As I enter the classroom my eyes search for her eyes. Her blue eyes find mine and I keep my gaze on her until I sit down in my assigned seat next to her. I set my backpack on the side of my chain and slouch.

"Hey," she whispers. I slightly turn my head enough to see her out of the corner of my eye then turn back the front. "We were talking just fine when we're skipping. And now you won't say anything?" She continues.

I roll my eyes and sigh loudly. "You followed me out there when I didn't ask," I say monotone.

"I wanted to see where you were going," she whispers again.

"That shit doesn't even make sense," I say loudly earning a couple of glances. Fuck this shit I'm leaving.

I stand up causing my chair to squeak against the tile. I throw my backpack around my shoulders and begin to walk towards the door. "Mr. Peter," the teacher says stepping in my way.

"Move," I insist, staring straight into his eyes blankly, but inside my body is on fire.

"Please take your seat, Mr. Peter," he says crossing his arms.

"I said fucking move," I growl stepping closer to him and earn a few of my stupid ass classmates gasps. He steps to the side and I push my way out the door.

A couple of feet away I hear a couple of footsteps running behind me. I already know who it is. "Wait!" The blonde yells.

I turn my head to see her hauling ass to catch up to me. What can I say? I have long ass legs. I roll my eyes and bring myself to a halt.

"I'm sorry if I said something back there," she apologizes out of breath and clutching her chest.

I roll my eyes and begin to walk towards the stairs. "Jesus Christ," she curses and jogs back up to me. "I thought we were becoming to be friends. But instead, you picked total assholes to be friends with, maybe it suits you well!" She shouts.

I turn around halfway down the stairs to face her. Her dirty blonde hair is a mess and her mouth is open as she gasps for air. I raise my brow at her and say, "Damn straight I am an asshole. So, you should stay away. Don't follow me, princess," And with that, I begin walking again, but this time she doesn't run after me.

As soon as I leave the building I pull a cigarette out and light it up. I take an extra-long puff and close my eyes.

"I thought I told you no smoking on the grounds," I hear Mr. Boneless boom behind me. I roll my eyes back so far back that I can see my brain. "You're supposed to be in class right now," he says and I scoff and that statement. "Put it out and come to my office right now."

"No," I growl taking a hit. He walks closer and rips the cigarette out of my grasp. He throws it on the ground and stomps on it.

"And here I thought you were spineless," I say smirking. His eyes darken and he points to the doors. He wants me to go inside so, he can scold me.

"Nope, but I don't get paid enough for this." He sighs and rubs his temples.

"Tomorrow," I say and walk towards the parking lot. I can hear his faint chuckle.

"I expect you to be in my office 15 minutes before school starts," Mr. Boner instructs.
The door to the house squeaks as I throw it open. My shoes clank loudly on the hardwood floor. "Jackson, honey is that you?" Mom calls from the kitchen.

I sigh and enter the kitchen. "School isn't over. Why are you home?" She asks narrowing her eyes at me and shaking her head.

"Left," I say shrugging and avoiding all eye contact. I know she's about to bitch me out.

"Sit down," she growls pointing at the chair at the table. I was right. I give no objections and sit as she asked.

"I understand that school must be hard for you.." She begins and clears her throat. "But school is important and you have to attend as much as you can."

She paces in front of me like a shark circling a big piece of meat. "We've had this conversation too many times Jackson. However, the principle is willing to bend the rules a little bit. Mr. Bones said that he will ignore you skipping classes as long as you keep up on your work."

I continue staring at my shoes as she goes on. "Are you even listening to me?" She asks loudly. I turn my head up to face her and nod my head yes.

"Good as I was saying, try to go as much as you can. Beggars can't be choosers," she laughs and reaches for my face.

I quickly grab her wrist and push it away. "Don't," I growl. She nods and gives me a weak smile.

"Come eat something," she insists and walks to grab a plate of eggs she made.

"Yours?" I ask pointing at the plate she sat in front of me. I don't want to eat her food if she's hungry.

"It's okay I made extra. I'll make dinner later," she explains goes to scoop up some more for herself.
Mom left to go get Charlie. And I wend in the back to go smoke some weed. The elementary is about a 15-minute drive so, I have some time to smoke.

The eyes are red and my clothes smell. Mom is going to notice that I'm high.

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