Chapter 32 Jackson

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I glide my fingers along with the steering wheel while Blondie hums along with Judas Priest. Building lights stand tall around the streets. It's my first time in the city. It's what I expected. People littered on the sidewalks and tall buildings.

"It's on the right," Blondie says pointing out the obvious. Hell Hounds blinks in red lights. I pull into a parking space next to the curb.

"Have you been here before?" I ask Blondie. Blondie doesn't look like she belongs in a place like this. Just as I expected she shakes her head no.

I nod, turning off my engine and hopping out of the car. The chilly air cools my warm lungs and runs through my hair. I open the passenger door for Blondie and help her out of the car. "Stay close to me," I say sternly in her ear. When our eyes meet she nods quickly. I smirk and pull her body next to mine with my arm around her waist.

The bouncer let us in without question. The bar was dark, but the lights from the stage and bar lit up the room. "Do you want a drink?" I say close to Blondie's ear so she can hear me over the music.

"I'm underage," Blondie whispers back. I let out a chuckle and roll my eyes.

"That didn't stop you last night," I say taping her nose and grabbing her hand. I take her to a table, closer to the bar. "Stay put," I order and walk to the bar.

"A scotch and two shots of tequila," I say to the lady behind the bar. She has jet black hair and dark brown skin. Her name-tag reads, Ash.

"ID?" She asks, and I slide the fake one over to her. She nods and prepares the drinks. My eyes wander to Blondie and some chick standing next to her. Do they know each other?

"Here you go. Enjoy the show hottie," Ash says. I give her a crooked smile before taking the drinks over to Blondie.

"They haven't played yet," Blondie tells the girl with long dark hair and pale skin.

"Okay, thank you," the girl says before wandering into the crowd around the stage.

"Who was that?" I ask Blondie, setting the beverages on the table.

"I don't know," I shrug, pushing the shots to Blondie.

"Thanks," she smiles before downing them. Her nose scrunches up and her eyes turn watery. "Gross!" She says fanning her tongue. I chuckle and give her my glass. She takes a sip of my scotch and immediately regrets it. "What the hell, Jackson." She says holding back her gag. I let out a laugh and pull her to me. Our lips connect and my tongue swirls in her mouth. Her body relaxes into mine.

When I pull away she's panting. "Better?" I ask and she nods, turning away with pink cheeks.

I sip my brass drink when cheers erupt from the crowd. "Shit they're starting! C'mon!" Blondie says yanking me into the sea of people.

Blondie let's go when we reach the stage. People around us make room for dancing. A tall guy with brown locks stands front and center with a Gibson SG on his hip.

"That's Lennox Lovell," Blondie says standing on her tippy toes to tell me. A light Tapping on the drums catches everyone's attention.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Before we begin everyone, pointer, and pinkies up," Lennox says into the microphone. Blondie follows directions and nudges me to do so as well. Whistles ring out in the room. "Rock 'n' roll!" The guys behind the drums yells and the music starts at once.

"I wanna fall in love tonight
I wanna be the fire you ignite
When the world comes down crashing, I'll be the one to hold it up
When nightmares keep you up thrashing, I'll be the one to calm your fit
If your world is tasteless I'll be your passion pit
If your lonely I'll be the only
One to make you fall in love
I'm in love"

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