Chapter 25 Nadia

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It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I've seen Jackson. He hasn't come to school. I don't dare text or call him. I feel like I would be overstepping my boundaries. School is empty now. Not that Jackson has a big presence in school, he barely talks. But he made things interesting.

I stare at Jackson's empty chair at the jock table. How is he ever going to get on the team if he doesn't even show up to school?

"Girl, what's up with you?" Abby asks me combing through her thick curls.

"W-what? Nothing, why?" I ask refocusing back onto my uneaten food. Things have been glum. I think I have been worrying my dad and the girls.

"You've been acting so weird," Emma gets her shots in. People think Emma's a bitch, but deep down she cares.

"How?" I say acting obvious. I've been trying to act normal, but the truth is I hate when things are normal. I crave something different.

"You've been spacing out a lot. Is everything okay? And be honest," Abbey says seriously.

"I'm okay, cheer has just been stressing me out," I say slightly honest. I've stopped going to cheer. Mom was absolutely pissed, but I wouldn't back down. Why should I have to do something that I don't want to do?

"I thought you quit?" Abby asks.

"I did, but my mom won't let it go." It's the truth. She makes me feel awful that I can't do it. Everyone runs over me and the only person that stands up for me is Henry.

"Well, don't stress about it. Your mom's a bitch," Emma says giving me all her grapes. Emma's been a picky eater since she was born. She hates grapes. She compares eating them to biting into an eyeball.

"Amen," Abby says rolling her eyes. They always know how to cheer me up. Even if it's just a little bit.
The rain soaks my blonde hair as I wait for my dad. Today is Friday and I cannot wait to sleep all weekend. Dad's shitty car comes rolling into the parking lot humming.

I practically throw myself into the car. "Did you have a good day at school, bug?" Dad asks grinning.

"It was great," I lie, hiding the fact that I'm on the edge of dropping out. Not seriously, but I've contemplated it thoroughly.

"That's good sweetheart. I hope you don't mind, we have to stop by to get the car fixed," dad says hopefully.

"Of course I don't mind." I give my dad a lot of slack. If my mom asked me to go get the minivan fixed with her I'd tell her I rather die.

Dad gives me one more smile before taking off to the auto body shop. He needs to just get a new car. This car has been swallowing his money. I'm starting to think it would be cheaper if he just buys another car.

I shove my earbuds into my ears and play my music loudly. The Neighborhood. I've been getting less sleep than normal. I feel like a walking zombie. My makeup can't even hide the bags under my eyes. I've also been eating less, everything looks disgusting. I miss the day I and Jackson ate at the diner.

I finally start to fall into sleep, but the car comes to a halt. My dead eyes peel open to see that we've arrived. Dad's favorite garage, Manny's.

I stare at my feet until we make it into the garage. "Hey David, what brings you in?" Manny asks taking off his glove to shake dad's hand.

"Old reliable hasn't been so reliable. It broke down the other night and has been making this rattling noise," dad explains. Manny has been helping my dad out. He often gives dad discounts.

"Yeah, I'll have my new recruit look at it," Manny says and whistles at someone. I stare at my feet, clanking them together, watching the water drops go flying.

"Yeah?" A deep familiar voice asks. My eyes dart up to see who the familiar voice is. Jackson?  My mouth drops in disbelief. He doesn't even look at me.

"Why don't you pull the car in?" Manny tells my dad.  My dad walks away, but I'm frozen. I've been waiting to see this guy at school for two weeks and he's been here.

Dad's car pulls slowly into the garage and I stand in the corner awkwardly.  Jackson pops my dad's hood and I make my move. Jackson's wearing grey work pants and a grey button-up that says Manny's in red over a pocket. I try not to admire his beauty.

"Jackson?" I squeak. Jackson continues to play around under the hood. Not even a glance in my direction.

"Jackson," I say louder and more confident this time. But no response. He's ignoring me? "Why haven't you been going to school?" I ask sternly.

I step closer toward him and poke my face out so he can see me. But nothing. "What the hell?" I curse under my breath.

"Hey, babe," a females voice behind me coos. I turn around to see a familiar girl. It's Paige from school. She's a bleach blonde bitch. But who's her babe?

Jackson turns around to face her. "Hey," his voice says darkly. She immediately jumps into his arms and their lips lock. So, that's her babe. My stomach turns and I feel the need to throw up, but instead of blowing chucks, I stand there blinking like an idiot.

Before I realize it I'm walking. Walking straight out of that stupid garage. I've decided that I'm going to walk home. It's pouring rain, but if I stay here any longer I think I might pull out that fake blonde hair of hers.

New job? New whore? I feel my anger rising. I'm glad I didn't call that asshole. I thought he liked me, even if he just thought of me as a friend. I've been so nice to him just for him to ignore me? I'm sick of people running over me.

I should go back there and demand him to answer me! No that's crazy. You'll look crazy. Thoughts run rampantly through my head.

It's only been two weeks and he's acting like a complete stranger. I should have known. He's got issues and I shouldn't have gotten mixed up. Tears finally rip out of my eyes. I have issues too. I can't say something so selfish.

I stop walking and bend down holding my stomach. I let the rain drench me. I can't walk all the way home. It's too far. But I can't go back there. Can I?

My phone rings and I quickly answer. "Bug? Where did you go?" Dad's voice sounds through the line.

"Oh just on a walk," I lie horribly.

"In the rain? Well, anyway get back here before you catch a cold," dad says.

"Okay," I say sniffing. I wouldn't be surprised if I already have a cold. And the flu because that kiss made me sick. I can't go back there like this. What do I do?

An idea comes to my mind. Henry could come to get me. I quickly call him. The ringing ends immediately. "Hello?" He asks.

"Henry, can you come get me?" I ask on the verge of crying.

"Yeah, of course. Are you at your dad's?" He asks. The concern in his voice is vivid.

"No, at Manny's," my voice sounds weak.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the front." And just like that, he hangs up. I wait a little while before deciding to walk back and wait in front of the shop.

My feet squish all the water in my shoes until I make it in front of the shop. I ignore Paige's annoying, high pitched voice until I hear her say my name.

"Where are you going, Nadia?" She asks curiously. I turn around to see her on the threshold of the open garage. Her pink lipstick is disgusting. "What's wrong? Oh my god! Are you crying?" She laughs, Jackson doesn't step in and continues to work on dad's car. I choose to hold my head high and ignore her. "Wow? Cold shoulder?" She asks.

Henry's white Mercedes pulls up fast. Mom and Richard rewarded Henry and Kim with new cars. And for me? Nothing. "Hey, Paige!" I yell over the humming of his car. She looks away from Jackson and smiles at me like a bitch. "Fuck you," I say blankly and walk to Henry's car. It felt good to say that.

As soon as I pull the handle and the door opens, Henry ushers me in. "What's going on?" He asks seriously.

"Nothing," I say. But I guess I do owe him an explanation on why I had him pick me up. "Paige is just a bitch."

"Yeah, she is... But are you okay?" He asks pulling off from the garage.

"Yeah, I just had to get out of there."

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