Chapter 29 Nadia

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I scrub the grime of last night off with Jackson's body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. I feel like such a burden. I should have just left him alone. I should have kept walking until I found my home. But I'm selfish and I couldn't help myself.

Part of me was hoping it wasn't his house and I knocked on some stranger's door. But deep down inside of me was dying to see Jackson. I had to apologize. I was not acting myself last night. I never act on violence. Although it did feel good.

I use one of the towels hanging on the rack and dry of body off. I stare at myself in the mirror. My eyes are still puffy and my lips look bigger. I look much better than what I did before I got in the shower. Jackson saw me like that? His parents saw me like that?

I pull on the briefs and they fit nicely. Jackson does have a tiny butt. I slide up the sweatpants and slip the t-shirt over my head. They fit baggy on me. I've never worn a guy's clothes before. I put my wet hair into a messy bun and collect my underwear and dress from last night.

I head back to Jackson's room with knots in my stomach. I cried in front of him. How will he look at me the same?

The door clicks open and I'm met with Jackson on his phone. He quickly puts his phone on the nightstand and grabs a plate of food. "I made some food," he says passing the plate of eggs and bacon.

I smile widely at him. "Thank you. Did you eat?" I ask with my tiny voice.

He shakes his head and rubs his tired eyes. I frown at him. "I'm not hungry, Blondie," he says noticing my stare. I roll my eyes before scarfing down the food. I was starving. Walking all night made me hungry.

"You're going to choke," he says shaking his head. I slow my chewing to turtle speed. He chuckles at me. "Weirdo," he says when he gains his control again. He's absolutely beautiful.

"Thank you!" I laugh. I've been weird my whole life. Not as much anymore, high school hit, and I tried everything I could to fit in. In 9th grade, I would dress exactly like the popular girls. But I got called a slut instead. This year is different though. I decided that I wasn't going to follow the crowd. I need something different in my life.

"I don't know if that was a compliment Blondie," Jackson says taking my empty plate out of my hand and passing me a cup of orange juice.

"Who says that being weird is a bad thing?" I question before gulping down the citrusy juice.

Jackson shrugs. "I guess it isn't so bad," he says blinking at me emotionless. "So... what are we going to do today, Blondie?" He asks looking away from me.

We're doing something today? Together? "I-I don't know... You pick," I say putting the empty glass onto his nightstand.

"I just moved here. But you've been here forever, you should know all the spots," He says leaning his back against the wall and shutting his eyes.

I look down at the t-shirt I'm wearing and a brilliant idea pops into my head. "You like rock music, right?" I question. I've listened to it a little bit because my dad was obsessed, but I mostly tuned it out.

Jackson opens one eye and looks at me skeptically. "Yeah, I guess," he says before closing his eye again.

"There's this really cool band in Portland that performs in bars. And they don't ID," I say raising my eyebrows at him jokingly when he opens his eyes. "But the show isn't till 10 so we got time to kill."

"Okay, I'm down," he says stretching his arms out. I stare in awe watching his muscles flex. "Pervert," he growls making me laugh.

"Since it's barely 9 in the morning I'm going to show you my special place," I say when I compose myself.

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