Chapter 8 Nadia

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I don't know why I followed him out here, but it doesn't feel weird. We've been sitting in silence for a bit. "When did you start smoking?" I ask curiously.

"When I was 13," he huffs. Wow, that's young. My mom would kill me.

"Why?" I ask again.

He looks up in irritation and turns to me. "What's with the 3rd degree?" He barks.

My cheeks burn red. "Oh, I'm sorry," I apologize. I totally am interrogating him.

His lips curl into a smirk and my heartbeat speeds up. How he's gorgeous. I freeze when his green eyes stare into mine and goosebumps ripple down my body.

I peel my eyes away from his a rub my hands against my thighs. "Have you made any friends yet?" I ask, changing the subject.

"No," he says rolling his eyes. He's always so annoyed. Maybe it's just me.

The bell rings and I jump up fast. Jackson gets up cooly and begins walking towards the school. It's lunch so, I walk faster to catch up to him. "Um, if you don't have anyone to sit with for lunch you can sit with me and my friend," I say, but he keeps walking and scoffs lowly. What did I do?

I slow down so, I'm not walking so close to him. I don't want to annoy him anymore. I thought I was being nice.

I search through the crowds of people in the lunchroom. I spot Abby and Emma sitting at a round table by the jocks. Of course, they sat over there. They are such stalkers.

I quickly go through the main lunch line that is macaroni and cheese. I grab and a juice box and wander towards them.

"Hey girl," Abby shouts. Her afro is so big and curly it's beautiful. My lips widen into a smile as Emma moves her backpack for me to sit.

"Hey, bitch!" Emma screams. I drop my lunch tray onto the table and plop down. "Guess what!" She continues.

"What?" I ask sticking a fork into the gooey mess that is lunch.

"That new hot boy had the last period with me, but he wasn't there. Maybe he was ditching," Emma says and I freeze. Should I tell them?

"Really? Lucky bitch," Abby sighs. "Okay, but are you feeling alright?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better." Is everyone going to keep reminding me? Embarrassing as hell.

"Yeah you slapped the floor," Emma says laughing. I huff and take a bite of my lunch.

"Don't be rude," Abby says nudging Emma.

"It's fine," I give them a fake smile.

"No seriously, Ashton said you weren't in last class," Abby insists. Shit. Emma's eyes widen.

I should just tell them. "I was in the sick room," I lie. It's not even a big deal that I was with Jackson, but I know if I say anything it will become a big deal. Then someone will hear and make up a rumor.

"Glad you're feeling better," Emma says batting her eyelashes. Her eyes dart behind me. I turn my head to see what she's looking at.

Jackson. With the school's biggest party animals. Luke, Liam, and Sam. They are total assholes and classic football whores. Abby messed around with Liam, but he totally broke her heart. Jackson picked the best people the hang out with. Sike.

They walk towards our table and sit at the jock table next to us. Jackson eyes a searching everyone that is at his table.

"Wow he just makes the group 10x hotter," Emma says with her mouth-watering.

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