Chapter 2 Nadia

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It's getting later and later as I lay on the warm grass staring into space, literally. Summer has officially ended and school starts tomorrow. I'm going to be a Junior in high school.

Summer consisted of cheer, church, my birthday, and way too many long nights. I switch from house to house every two days. My parents divorced when I was 10.

My mom divorced my dad when I was little and got married to her boyfriend Richard, that she had an affair with. They had a kid together, now 3-year-old William. Rich (Richard), mom's now-husband already had two kids, 16-year-old Kimberly and 17-year-old Henry.

Dad on the other hand lives alone, but Fred stays the night a lot. I love staying at dad's house it's more home than mom's perfect house. Dad and I watch movies and play card games with his friends until 3:00 A.M. Dad's friends are Rick, James, and Fred.

"Come inside Nadia, you have school tomorrow," mom yells from the back patio. I sigh and quickly and pull myself up. "And your hair is a mess." She says pointing to my dirty blonde hair.

"It's called a messy bun for a reason," I explain walking past her into the huge mansion she calls home. My room is on the other end of the house on the top floor next to Kim's.

Kim is an absolute bitch. She is the typical prissy, stuck up, do-gooder. We are both on the high school cheer team. She's the cheer captain and thinks that she is the boss of me in school and out. Kim wears her brown hair in an obnoxiously tight ponytail all the time. Mom adores her.

My room at my mom's is pretty barren. My queen size bed sits in the middle of the room with nightstands and dressers on the side. The only cool part is the bay window.

I have to be at school extra early to welcome everyone back in my cheer uniform. And the next day is there is going to be a huge assembly.

I hate being a cheerleader, but mom would disown me if I quit. Me and my mom, Jennifer have a toxic relationship. We argue and fight like we are mortal enemies. And honestly, I couldn't careless to fix things.

I've thrown up 3 times today. I always get nervous before the first day of school, it's annual. I usually don't eat anything before the first day of school, just so I don't puke up breakfast.

The only thing that relieves me is that I get to see Abby and Emma. Those are my best friends. They are both on the track team so, we all go early on Mondays and Thursdays to school.

My phone starts ringing next to me in bed. The screen reads "Dad". Dad has always been my prince charming. He knows exactly how I feel without me saying anything. He'd do anything to cheer me up, even if he has to dress up and play princess with me.

When he and mom divorced he was broken. He picked up fragments of himself throughout the years, but he will forever be missing a piece of himself. And that piece is my mother.

"Hey, dad."

"Hey bug, I wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow." His voice soothes me over the phone.

"Thanks, I'd be better if I was home," I speak truthfully, dad would be way more helpful than mom.

"I know, but your mother likes it when you're at hers on days like these." It's true. She's controlling like that.

"Yeah, for no reason at all." Mom knows how to make things go her way. She's a huge manipulator.

"Okay, try to get some sleep bug." Sleep is good when I don't have nightmares.

"You too dad, love you."

"Goodnight, love you."

"Night." I end the call and slip my headphones in my ear. Classical music usually soothes me before bed.
I wake up, sweat covering my forehead and tears streaming down my face. I get nightmares every night. Their different most of the time. Tonight's nightmare was that me and dad got into a car accident.

I do what I do every night. I wipe my face and close my eyes until I fall asleep again. I started getting nightmares when I was five. There's no real reason why I have them, I just do.

Usually, I get one nightmare, I wake up and fall back asleep and I'm fine. Other nights I have multiple nightmares.

I used to sleep in my parent's room every night until they got divorced. Then I started sleeping on my dad's bedroom floor. It gave me comfort knowing my knight and shining armor was near.

I can get peaceful sleep during the day, but someone or something always stops me. I usually take sleeping pills, but induced sleep always makes the dream worse. But sleep is sleep.
The alarm on my phone sounds loudly next to me waking me up. My eyes hurt from the lack of sleep. I quickly push back my hair and collect my clothes. My feet pad across the floor and to the bathroom that I share with Kim. I always have to get up earlier than her to have bathroom time.

The scolding hot water hits my back and I hiss in pain. I lather my body with soap and body wash. And my hair with shampoo and conditioner.

I dry my frizzy blonde hair and straighten it. I throw on my red and black cheer uniform with the letters POHS. I pull on nike pros underneath.

Downstairs moms have been making breakfast for the whole family. "Good morning Nad, you need to eat something." Mom suggests.

"No thanks," I decline her offer because I'm not trying to blow chunks everywhere.

"At least eat a banana it'll give you some strength." I sigh and take the banana out of her hand.

"Thanks," I say and peel the banana and quietly down it. Kim walks down the stairs and begins to eat the plate of food mom prepared for her. They chat about stupid shit that doesn't matter while I drown out the sound with music that's coming through my headphones.

I quickly brush my teeth and grab both my bags. My cheer bag and backpack. We all head out the door. Kim, Henry, mom, and I.

Henry is a classic football player with muscles I didn't even know existed. All the girls in our school and surrounding schools would sell their body parts just to get him to talk to them. Not that he doesn't talk to girls, that's all he ever does. He brings girls home every weekend.

The school is now in sight and another wave of anxiety runs over me like a bus. Kim kicks her long legs and waves her stupid ponytail with bows in my face like she's five. She's so annoying. Luckily I go to my dad's later today. Fred is supposed to pick me up after school.

"Bye kids I love you, I'll pick you guys up after practice," mom says and I know she's not talking to me. I narrow my eyes and roll out of the car.

A large "Welcome" banner hangs in front of the huge school building. The school is pretty modern with large windows and tall doors.

All three principles are already standing in front of the school looking like assholes. Mr. Evans is Vice and he's a total asshat, Mrs. Finch is another Vice, and then there's Principal Bones. Everyone calls him Mr. Boner which is reasonable because he's a pervert.

I make my way through the school and to the locker room by the gym. I use the locker to put my cheer bag away. Time to parade around the school looking preppy and all that bullshit.

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