Chapter 18 Jackson

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My body is boiling over with rage. A rage I've never felt before. A rage that can wipeout thousands and leave no survivors. A rage that can disintegrate anything it comes in contact with. My mind feels as if it has been set on fire. A raging fire.

"Jackson! Jackson! What's the matter?" Mom runs in asking. Her face only makes me madder and my hand clutches even tighter onto her phone.

A demon has taken the wheel and there's no stopping him. I'm possessed. All I can see is red.

I throw her phone across the room making it hit the wall and shatter into a million pieces. "How fucking dare you!" I growl like a rabid animal and pace back and forth.

"What the hell is the matter with you? My phone!" She yells at me, wrinkles on her face appearing. Dad runs into the room just as confused.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" He orders for answers, but I ignore him.

"The same fucking phone you called Raymond with!" I bark, running my hands through my hair and pulling at the roots. Mom freezes like she's been caught stealing.

"What? Liz is this true?" Dad asks, his face full of shock.

"Tell him, mom. Tell him, how fucking weak you are mother... If I should even call you that," I cackle. I'm so fucking done.

Mom begins to cry, but that only angers me more. "Aww, are you crying? Fuck you, that's crocodile tears." I've never spoken to her like this, but what she has done is unforgivable.

"Why did you call him?" Dad asks sternly.

"He's m-my b-brother," her voice breaks. At this point, I'm going to explode. I stop dead in my tracks and face her. There must be smoke pouring out of my ears.

"He's not your fucking brother! He abducted me you fucking idiot!" I shout, knocking shit off the counter, making it spill onto the floor. "And you've been sending him money!"

Tears flood out of her eyes. Dad's eyebrows furrow. "What the fuck is wrong with you Elizabeth? He took our fucking kid," dad looks disappointed.

I act on impulse and throw my fist into the wall. The drywall crunches under my knuckles. I throw another punch, not feeling satisfied enough. Then the last punch goes into the family picture, knocking it off the wall.

Glass shatters and slices into my fist. Blood drips down my hand and onto the hardwood floor. Mom screams and covers her eyes. Charlie runs out of the kitchen and I wonder how long she was standing there. My heart wrenches at the thought of her being scared of me.

"I hope your happy Liz," Dad says and runs after Charlie. My face is full of disgust as I look at the women I call mother.

"You know what he's done to me?" I growl, but she doesn't answer. "Answer me!"

"Y-yes," she stutters out and I laugh. A psychotic laugh.

Does she really know what he's done to me? How beat me black and blue, t-touched me, burned me with fire, and scolding hot water? But she sends him money and calls him.

"I'm s-." I cut her off like I did Raymond.

"Shut the fuck up." And with that, I brush past her and out the door ignoring her calls.

My hands shake as I start the engine and pull out of the driveway. I have no idea where I'm going, but I'm not staying here. She's got me fucked up.

I light up my last cigarette and drive to the closest gas station. My breathing is erratic and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

The metallic smell of blood whirls around the car. The red substance drips from my open gashes and onto my steering wheel and jacket.

I Was AbductedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora