☆ - hold my hand

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m/n likes akaashi's smaller hands

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m/n likes akaashi's smaller hands

+ but i fr couldn't think of other words to describe small hands other than small and dainty goodbye

+ this is ltr akaashi and m/n dating....but not

he has found his new interest  - akaashi's hands. he first developed an attraction when he was watching the boy set, eyes trailing after his hands simply because he wanted to learn by watching. so he studied the placement, movement, and skills of his fingers and hummed in thought. 

but then a thought crossed his mind - how soft are his hands? 

so that's when he acted out his idea, pushing himself close to akaashi and softly grabbing ahold of his hands, which were significantly smaller than his when he held them in his palms. he didn't even realize the wide eyed look he was getting from the setter until he looked up from the boy's fingers.

he immediately let go and nervously scratched the back of his neck, "sorry, they looked really soft..." 

akaashi gulped and his mind went blank. how do you respond when someone says your hands look soft?!

"and i wanted to know if they were...they are soft," m/n trailed off, realizing the awkwardness hanging in the air now, "i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable, we can just pretend i never said or did that," he apologized, immediately feeling bad at the possible chance that he made akaashi uncomfortable. 

but the setter was in too much of a shock to correct m/n. he wasn't uncomfortable if anything he liked the feeling of his warm hands surrounding his...of course, he would never admit that out loud. it just took him by surprise to suddenly have m/n so close and towering over him and examining his hands. his face was flushed the moment he felt their skin make contact, but his blush only got worse when he realized that m/n's face was leaning down and close to his. 

"i-it's okay, m/n-san," akaashi stuttered out, making m/n perk up in surprise. 

they were both flustered, but it was obvious that the setter was much more affected by this than m/n. 

"i'm glad i didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything, then," m/n sighed in relief, his figure turning more relaxed at the news. 

the two stood there in a silence before bokuto and kuroo called the both of them over so they could start their practice. 

the next morning when m/n and akaashi were lining up for food, they were talking about random things. 

"wait, kei-chan, do you have a routine for your hands and fingers?" m/n suddenly asked, making akaashi stop where he stood. 

"i - uhm - no, i don't," he murmured making m/n hum.

"damn, so your hands are just naturally that soft," he mumbled, smiling softly, "i just remembered how kageyama has his own routine to take care of his fingers, so i thought it was something that certain setters indulged in," 

akaashi nodded slowly, now understanding why the question had come out of nowhere.

 speaking of the first year setter, he looked around the room to see that he was currently being bothered by the loud ginger of the karasuno team. 

"i'll see you at practice, kei-chan!" m/n waved once he got his tray of food, going back to the table where most of his teammates sat. akaashi smiled softly before walking to where his boisterous captain was already calling for him. 

when it was time for personal practice, m/n walked alongside akaashi, a comfortable silence surrounding them. kuroo and bokuto set up a childish bet that whoever got to the gym first was the better captain. it was completely out of nowhere and they were already out of sight from the two second years, who were walking like normal people. 

"hey, m/n-san," akaashi spoke up and m/n hummed in response, "c-can i hold you hand?" 

m/n's eyes widened at the outright suggestion, but didn't hesitate for a moment and offered his hand immediately, "sure!" 

akaashi blushed as he saw the tall boy so easily give in, turning his head away, "yours are just a lot of bigger so i wanted to see a comparison first," 

"oh, sure," m/n stopped walking to turn to face akaash, showing his palm to the setter, who lifted his up and pressed it against m/n's. when their skin made contact, m/n eagerly peaked to see the difference. he almost laughed to see how much smaller akaashi's hands were compared to his.

'they're so big!' the setter thought with wide eyes, seeing how m/n's fingers were a couple joints bigger than his. they weren't freakishly huge or disproportional, but they were definitely much bigger than his own. 

suddenly, m/n clasped their hands together and happily swung them back and forth. 

"your hands are so small and soft compared to mine," m/n nonchalantly hummed, "i wouldn't have thought you played volleyball if i didn't know you," he grinned, looking at their interwined hands almost with a proud look on his face. akaashi brushed it off and looked in the other direction to hide his blush. 

he shouldn't be blushing, he tried telling himself. he was the one who asked the question in the first place. but with m/n being so nonchalant and content with the contact, even swinging their hands back and forth, made his cheeks redden. he made it look so easy to take affection with an unaffected heart. akaashi couldn't relate. 

it seemed m/n had forgotten their hands were bound together as they walked along the path to the gym, casually starting another conversation with akaashi. the setter had a bit of a hard time responding to him, too focused on their hands, but he did get a few stuttered replies out. 

when they arrived to the gym, kuroo and bokuto were still bickering. 

"ah, it took you guys long enough," bokuto whined, slouching as he walked over to them. his eyes trailed from their faces, noting how red akaash was, and then going downward to see that they were holding hands, "eh?! what is this?!" 

his dramatic, horrified shriek got the attention of kuroo - who came walking over instantly, "what is it?" 

"they're holding hands!"

kuroo looked at their connected hands with a blank face while bokuto still looked as if he had seen a ghost. 

"what's wrong?" m/n asked innocently, not understanding their odd behavior and reaction to his and akaashi's affection, "is something bad if we hold hands?" he pouted making kuroo and bokuto dramatically clutch their chests.

one could only imagine how confused the entire karasuno team was when bokuto and kuroo were demanding m/n to hold their hands during practice the next day.

i feel like this was trash but its aight bc its akaashi x mc content ...... IM SORRY ITS BAD AGSJSHAKAKK

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