"Life will stay the same for you," Balthazar assured them. "I just want to ensure your safety for Azula's sake. We are on the verge of war, and I don't know when Deckland plans to come for the Heart, if at all." "A strategic facade to wear," my father stated and Balthazar nodded. "Precisely." 

Atros looked at me, "Do you plan to fight in the war?" I nodded, "If war does happen, I will." "We all will," Lui told them. "How old are you kids," my mother asked them. "Nineteen," Laceria answered. "You're just kids," Zilan said. 

"It's our home," Yulen said. "If it falls into Deckland's hands, there will be no peace. Yes we have slavery, but cruelty doesn't exist. Like mom said, if slaves are miserable, it's because they cause trouble for their owners and have to be punished. If their owners are just abusing them for fun, then we have rules in place to protect the slave." "It's a checks and balance system," my mother said and I nodded. "It was because the different species were all equal in power and were fueled with cruel ideas that made our kind step in and take over, establishing peace," Balthazar explained to them. "When we had first entered this world, we didn't know war was going on. We originally planned on blending in. Our land was dying and crumbling. We took over, because we didn't want to watch this world go through the same thing." 

"Not all of it's pretty, but we do what we can," I told them. "I lived the life as a slave for many years. It's not as bad as you think it is. You can ask the slaves at the palace, and they'll tell you the same thing. Many are happy and laughing." 

"We just got you back," Atros said. "You're not going into battle without assistance." "He's right," Zilan said while my other two brothers nodded. I sat there, not knowing what able to say. "We have two years to train and prepare," my father said as my mother nodded. 

"We are hoping to find him sooner than that and stop the war," Balthazar said. "We can use the Timber Wolves to track him," Atros said. "They can follow a scent that's years old. Their sense of smell is far much better than any shifter and fae." "We would just need to set up a way to transport the wolf," Yulen said and Atros nodded. "While you're here you can even pick a pup," my mother said to me. "Timber Wolves can live in any climate." 

"We already have dragons," I tried. "That is a good idea," Balthazar said with a nod. I shot him a look. "It's part of the warrior tradition that you never got to take part in," he said to me. "Do you follow the traditions," my father asked him. Balthazar nodded, "When we mated, I wanted to combine our traditions because one day we will have children and I wanted them to know both halves of themselves. The kids asked to follow them as well." Lui and Yulen dangled their pocket watches. Yulen's had a photo of him with his biological parents and one of all of us. Laceria had a photo of us and her biological parents on the inside of her locket. Lui's just had one of all of us. 

"Father sucks when it comes to the language though," Lui shared with a smile. Balthazar shot his son a look. "He's never been good with other languages. He even trips up with the demonic language he grew up with." "You're not a kid anymore Lui," Balthazar reminded him. "I will throw you off a cliff." I smacked Balthazar's thigh, "It's too cold for him to fly. So you'll have to wait for us to return home." 

Yulen and Laceria snickered softly and I sighed. "When do you plan to return home," Atros asked me. "Soon. Lui and Balthazar are running low on protectant to put on their wings," I replied. "How soon can you get packed," Balthazar asked him. "I'll be ready in the morning," Atros answered. "You and ride on the back with me. Once home we will set up transportation for Terris," Balthazar said. 

My mother then stood and grabbed my hand, "Now come on. The pups should be ready." She then looked at the kids, "You too." She pulled me out of the hut eagerly. Everyone followed behind. "You do realize mom isn't going to train it to be like the other wolves right," Laceria said. "She's going to make it a giant lap dog." "Like you're any better," Yulen said. She tripped him, causing him to fall in a pile of snow. Lui  laughed and pointed at him and I sighed. 

"I love them," my mother said to me, a smile on her face. "You raised them right." I felt tears burn my eyes as I nodded, "Thanks màthair." 

We were in the breeding hut where many Timber Wolf pups yipped and ran about. "Look, that reminds me of Yulen," Lui said, pointing to the pup that was licking the wall. Laceria laughed while Yulen shot his brother a glare. Yulen then saw one that was a little on the chunky side, "That one looks like father when mother makes cinnamon rolls." The children laughed as I looked at Balthazar to see him raising an eyebrow at us. I pressed my lips together to suppress my laugh. 

"That cliff is looking better and better," Balthazar said. "But I can't fly," Yulen said. "We have dragons who can catch you," Balthazar said with a shrug. Laceria giggled and Yulen glared at her. One of the pups then decided his untied boot looked like fun to play with and attacked the untied strings. Yulen picked it up, "Can you not?" The wolf pup then licked him in the face, it's tail wagging. The pup was gray in color with black patches on it's ears and tail. Timber wolves ranged from black, to white, to gray. It was common to see them in white since that is what we usually breed for to better blend in with the snow. 

"Congratulations, you now have a pup that will protect you from shoe strings," Laceria joked at Yulen. He nudged her in the ribs with his elbow, "Oops." She glared and Lui stepped between them before the two got into a physical fight. As they got older Yulen and Laceria butted heads quite often, with Lui being the referee. The three of them are also incredibly close despite the amount they bicker. 

A white pup was running away from one of the others, not watching where it was going, and ran right into Laceria. Yulen chuckled, "Congratulations, your pup is a klutz, just like you." Laceria picked it up, "I'm going to train you to piss in his bed." 

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "How's that cliff looking my love," Balthazar asked me with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes before noticing a gray and white wolf pup walk up to Lui and look up at him. "Careful with that one," Atros said. "It looks cute and innocent, but the moment you turn your back, it's chewing up something. It chewed a hole in the wall a week ago." Lui smiled and picked it up, "You'll fit right in with Destroyer." 

I heard a growl and looked down, noticing a white pup with black paws biting at Balthazar's pants. He picked it up by the scruff, "I didn't come here for you." "You follow fae traditions," Zilan said with a smirk. Balthazar went to say something but then closed his mouth and sighed tucking the pup close to him. 

I laughed as I looked back at the pups. One of them was watching me, head tilted to the side. It was black with a single white spot on it's head. I crouched down and held out my hand. It walked up to me cautiously, sniffing my hand before licking the tips of my fingers. I then picked it up. "How is it that mom always gets the calm pets," Lui asked. "Sioc is one of the calmest dragons I have ever met, and now a pup that calmly walked to her." "It is because like calls to like," my father said. 

"Does that mean Atros also likes to run off and get out of his duties," I asked, with a smile. Atros rolled his eyes. "He hasn't been caught, so I wouldn't know," my father said with a soft smile. After that we gave the pups collars that are linked to us. Dinner was nice, with all of my family. I enjoyed catching up with my parents and Atros, and getting to know my brothers. My parents were really happy to get to know my mate and their grandchildren. Balthazar made plans with my brothers to have them and their wolves join us at the palace when we came to pick up Terris. 

That night Balthazar and I laid in bed with our two furry companions. "They're not sleeping in the bed with us when we get home," he told me. "You let Rí and Sioc sleep in our bed till they got too big," I pointed out. "Yes but that's because they now sleep outside and I don't have to fight them for the bed. The wolves, although the size of horses, can still fit inside the palace easily," Balthazar pointed out. "Plus it tried to eat my pants when I wasn't looking. I don't want to imagine what it's gonna try to eat while I'm asleep." I laughed softly and shook my head. 

"Thank you for letting me get to see my family again," I said to him. "Had I known they were still alive, I would have tried to reunite you a long time ago," he said while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He kissed me softly before we went to sleep. 

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