Chapter Nineteen

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* Julian's POV * 

| Three Months Later |

I've been spending a lot of time with Ta'Reah lately. If I'm not at the studio, at my mom's, or with Mialana, I'm with Ta'Reah, I've learned so much about this little girl its crazy how she's just like me in a way. Every now and then a wave of guilt comes over me for not being there but then I realise that it's not even my fault, Veronica could've told me about her three years earlier. I could've been there but I'm thankful that she's here with me now. Ta'Reah will be 4 next week, I wanna throw her a big party since I missed out on the other 3. "Babe! Have you seen my other Jimmy Choo shoe?" Mialana asked.

"Nah baby I haven't." I said.

She walked into the room we shared and plopped down on the bed. "Baby, why can't anything go right!?" She sobbed.

"Baby, it's okay just wear the Louboutins." I said.

"No baby, I wanna wear my Jimmy Choo's!" She whined. 

"Baby, you're gonna look beautiful either way it go. You're just graduating." I said, laughing.

"Julian! This is a very important day for me!" She whined.

"Aye look shut up all that whining you acting like a child! Just wear the Louboutins for now and when I find the other Jimmy Choo shoe I'll bring it to you." I said.

She rolled her eyes and walked away, I don't know what it was with her but she been acting really moody lately and I don't have time for it. I walked into Ta'Reah's room and sat on her bed. "Hey baby girl. Let me see your outfit." I said. She turned towards me and ran to me. "Daddy's baby look nice." I said.

"Thank you daddy, but I need your help." She said.

"What you need ma?" I asked.

"I need you to slick my hair back into a bun." She said.

I always watched my mom do this with Marley so I guess I coul give it a try. "Aight come on baby girl." I said. She ran into the bathroom as I ran inside behind her. I grabbed a brush from the counter top and I wet it with some luke warm water. I began brushing Ta'Reah's hair and began to slick it back. I ended up succeeding after the 4th time. "You like it?" I asked, nervously.

"Yes daddy, I love it!" She cheered.

I let out a sigh of relief and I took her into the living room. I gave her some Orange Juice and I changed to Bubble Guppies for her. I walked into the room and seen Mialana faced down on the bed. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

"This day is ruined." She said.

"How?" I asked.

"Because this was the day I was supposed to graduate, not the day where I find out I'm pregnant." She said.

"What do you mean ma?" I asked.

She pointed to the bathroom that was adjacent to our room. I walked inside and saw a pregnancy test sitting on the counter. I picked it up and saw two lines, signifying that she was pregnant. I dropped the test and went to Mialana. "Girl, you better get your ass up!" I shouted. 

"Why?" She asked.

"You're going to graduate today! Now get up and get your little makeup on, the ceremony starts in 20 minutes." I said.

I walked out the room and went downstairs, I decided on taking my Tahoe. I went to go start the car. In 10 minutes I seen Ta'Reah and Mialana coming down the steps. Mialana looked very beautiful. I watched as she placed Ta'Reah in the back of the truck along with her things. She hopped in the front seat and gave me a kiss. "Love you Julian." She said.

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